Page 148 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 148

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  attain excellence in life-changing education   Further, for each of the goals, a number of
                  by providing equitable learning opportunities   objectives  and  corresponding  strategies
                  and the new mission statement is to provide   to  achieve  these  objectives  have  been
                  lifelong  learning  opportunities  through   developed.  Accordingly,  a  total  of  twenty-
                  Open, Distance and Flexible Education with   eight  (28)  objectives  and  seventy-six  (76)
                  a commitment to excellence in teaching and   strategies are in place. Further, for each of the
                  research.                                  strategies, action plans have been developed
                                                             to achieve the planned strategies and these
                  Based  on  these  new  visions  and  mission   actions  plans  are  monitored  on  a  quarterly
                  statements,  six  goals  for  the  university  for   basis,  by  the  Centre  for  Quality  Assurance
                  the next five years starting from 2021 have   of  the  university  and  a  quarterly  report  is
                  been devised. These goals are as follows.  submitted to the Council of the University.

                  Goal 1:                                    MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
                  Achieve  excellence  in  quality  of  teaching
                  and  learning  which  support  life-changing  The Organizational Structure
                  education.                                 Even  though  the  OUSL  when  established
                                                             had  a  different  management  system  to
                  Goal 2:                                    that of the conventional universities, in the
                  Achieve  excellence  in  research,  along  with   year  1987  the  university’s  management
                  global visibility and recognition.         structure was converted to one that is similar
                                                             to  the  conventional  universities,  with  the
                  Goal 3:                                    introduction of the first OUSL ordinance by
                  Improve  human  capital  and  infrastructure   the  Parliament  of  Sri  Lanka.  Accordingly,
                  facilities.                                the  Governing  Authority  of  the  University
                                                             is  a  Council  which  is  chaired  by  the  Vice-
                  Goal 4:                                    Chancellor  who  is  the  Chief  Executive
                  Widen  access  to  education  and  enhance   Officer  and  the  Chief  Financial  Officer  of
                  opportunities for Life-Changing Education.  the University. The Council of the University
                                                             comprises of all the Deans of the Faculties,
                  Goal 5:                                    two  Representatives of  the  Senate  and  the
                  Ensure  high  quality  educational  support   Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University. In
                  services.                                  addition,  the  University  Grants  Commission
                                                             appoints  a  specified  number  of  external
                  Goal 6:                                    Council Members, one more than the internal
                  Ensure    social   and     environmental   members, as in the case of the conventional
                  responsiveness.                            universities  in  Sri  Lanka.  However,  for  the
                                                             OUSL  there  are  three  additional  appointed
                                                             members,  one  from  the  Ministry  of  Higher
                                                             Education,  one  from  the  Ministry  of  Mass

                  The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)
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