Page 150 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 150

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  in 1991, which is still in place albeit necessary   Figure 2
                  amendments being introduced over the years   Location of Regional and Study Centres of the
                  to  cater  the  new  developments  that  took   OUSL
                  place  over  time.  As  the  existing  ordinance
                  needs  revisions  to  reflect  the  changes  that
                  have  taken  place  in  the  university  and  in
                  the  higher  education  sector  in  the  country
                  and  the  overseas,  the  university  has  now
                  recommended to the UGC that the existing
                  ordinance be replaced by a new one to cater
                  the  new  and  future  development  of  the

                  The Regional Educational Services (RES) which
                  is  the  backbone  of  the  University  too  was
                  established at the inception of the university,
                  with about thirteen (13) centres island-wide
                  situated mostly in the Government Technical
                  Colleges.  From  these  modest  beginnings,
                  by  1994  the  university  had  expanded  to
                  have four Regional Centres and a few Study
                  Centres  in  some  of  the  provincial  towns,   Organizationally, the OUSL is fully owned by
                  mostly in its own buildings. Major expansion   the  state  and  comes  under  the  purview  of
                  of  the  Regional  Educational  Services  took   the University Grants Commission (UGC) of
                  place  with  the  dawn  of  the  new  century   Sri  Lanka.  Apart  from  the  OUSL,  there  are
                  when  permanent  buildings  were  built  in   sixteen  (16)  other  conventional  universities
                  many of the Regional and Study Centres. In   governed by the UGC. Even though all sixteen
                  the  last  decade,  the  university  has  further   conventional universities are fully funded by
                  expanded  its  reach  to  the  entire  country   the Government of Sri Lanka, in the case of
                  with nine (09) Regional Centres, one each in   the  OUSL,  the  Government  partially  funds
                  every province of Sri Lanka and nineteen (19)   the  university  in  the  form  of  wages  of  all
                  Study Centres covering every district of the   the  permeant  staff  and  required  Capital
                  country. Currently the university has its own   Grants  for  approved  developments.  The
                  permanent  buildings  in  twenty-three  (23)   rest  of  the  expenditure  of  the  university  is
                  of the centres. Five of the centres currently   met through generated funds, of which the
                  operate  in  rented  buildings,  though  the   main contribution comes from the tuition fee
                  government authorities in those areas have   charged  from  the  students.  Therefore,  the
                  allocated  lands  for  establishing  permanent   OUSL is the only fee-levying state university in
                  centres in the future. Figure 2 illustrates the   Sri Lanka. However, as the substantial portion
                  locations of the Regional and Study centres.   of the fund comes from the state (nearly 65%

                  The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)
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