Page 162 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 162

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               3  RESULTS
               Diversification  of  Cassava  in  Sungai  Suci  Farmers  Group  Pasar
               Pedati  Village  is  a  cassava  production  center  in  Central  Bengkulu
               Regency. This village is one of 17 villages in Pondok Kelapa District,
               1 km from the sub-district capital and relatively close to Bengkulu City
               (the capital of Bengkulu Province), which is only about 15 km. Of the
               99 ha of cassava harvested area in Central Bengkulu Regency [2], 65
               ha are in Pasar Pedati Village. Pasar Pedati Village consists of 13 RTs
               dominated by local ethnic groups (Lembak and Rejang Tribes). The
               number of farmer groups in Pasar Pedati Village is four groups. The
               Sungai Suci Farmers Group is in RT 3, whose residents are ethnic
               Javanese, consisting of 20 farmers.
               The Sungai Suci Farmer Group was formed in 2008 by the Javanese
               overseas community, who came in waves and began to live in RT 3
               Desa Pasar Pedati in 1985. The first group that came to RT 3, totaling
               ten families, were workers who were paid to maintain and cultivate the
               land.  Vacant  land  in  the  area  by  the  owners  who  live  outside  the
               village. Most Sungai Suci Farmer Group members make a living as
               farmers  and  processors  of  cassava,  especially  chips.  Men  work  in
               cultivating  activities  while  women  farmers  in  product  processing
               activities. The produce is sold to middlemen (collectors) who distribute
               it to markets in Bengkulu City, Central Bengkulu Regency, and other
               regencies in Bengkulu Province.
               Farmers use a local variety of cassava called “Jasmine Yam” as raw
               material  for  making  chips.  Farmers  like  the  Jasmine  sweet  potato
               because  the  harvest  time  is  faster  (6  months  old  plants  can  be
               harvested), the tuber shape is straighter with a denser texture (not
               soft), so it is easy to slice when making chips, the color of the chips is
               whiter. Ensuring the continuity of the production of the chips required
               the  availability  of  fresh  cassava  in  sufficient  quantities.  Therefore,
               farmers do not plant cassava simultaneously but adjust the cropping
               pattern so they can always harvest. Usually, the production of chips
               will  decrease  during  school  holidays  and  the  fasting  month  due  to

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia            139
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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