Page 338 - Cakrawala Pendidikan
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Tisnowati Tamat

         Haywood,  K.M.  (1986).  Life  Span  Motor  Development.  Illinois:
             Human Kinetics Publishers,  Inc.
         Kane,  J.E.  (1970).  Curriculum Development in  Physical Education.
             London:  Crosby Lockwood Staples.
         Larson,  LA  ( 1970).  Curriculum  Foundations  and  Standards  for
             Physical Education.  New Jersey: Prentice - Hall, Inc.

         Neilson,  N.P.  (1978).  Concepts  and  Objective  in  Movement.  New
             York: Vantage Press.

         Nixon,  J.E.  &  Ann,  E.J.  1973.   An  Introduction  to  Physical
             Education.  Philadelphia: W.  B.  Sounders Company.
         Singer,  R.N.  (1980).  Motor  Learning  and  Human  Performance.
             New York:  MacMillan.
         Singer,  R.N.  (1987).  Motor  Learning  and  Human  Performance.
             London: MacMillan Publishing.
         Stallings,  L.M.  (1973).  Motor  Skill.  New  York:  Brown  Company

         Vannier.  M.  and Mildred,  F.  (1976).  Teaching Physical Education in
             Elementary Schools.  Philadelphia: WB.  Saunders Company.
         Vannier,  M.  and  David,  L.G.  (1978).  Teaching  Physical  Education
             in  Elementary  Schools.  Philadelphia:  Saunders  College

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