Universitas Terbuka A Journey towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008
Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020

Tim Penulis: Setijadi, I G.A.K. Wardani, Prayekti, Dewi Padmo, Dewi Mutiara, Sri Kurniati, Irma Adnan, Amalia Sapriati, Isti Rokhiyah, Tian Belawati, A.P. Hardono, Eduard T. Sinar, Lintang Patria, Effendi Wahyono, Herwati Dwi Utami, Agus Saryadi, Udin S. Winataputra, Tedjo Djatmiko, Anak Agung M. Sastrawan Putra, Kristanti Ambar Puspitarini, Dimyati Surachman, Sulaeman, Leles Sudarmanto, Asnah Said, Aminudin Zuhairi; Editor: Aminudin Zuhairi, Endang Nugraheni

Edisi 1Ā / 335 hal.: ill.; 21 cm.
ISBN 978-979-011-427-2
Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2009

DDC 23: 378.175

Articles presented in this book attempt to describe UT experiences inĀ managing change. All authors in the present book are distance educationĀ practitioners in the process. Therefore, it is an inva luable learning resource inĀ which practitioners of change share their experiences in the process. The book isĀ a translation of the Indonesian version entitled “Perkembangan UniversitasĀ Terbuka: Perjalanan Mencari Jatidiri Menuju PTJJ Unggu/an” that has beenĀ publ ished earlier. The translation of the book into English aims to show UTĀ strong commitment to participate in the effort to build better and moreĀ prosperous world and make contributions to the development of knowledge andĀ good practice in distance education. Last but not least, we hope that this bookĀ can be an important source of knowledge and inspiration for readers interested inĀ distance education.

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