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IEEKMA4476 – Human Resources Audit

Miranda Q Ramli, Mone Stepanus A.

  • 1st Edition / 2 SKS / 6 Modules
  • 312 Pages: ilustration; 27 cm
  • ISBN 9786234809619
  • Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2022
  • DDC Classification [23] 658.3

The Printed Materials Human Resource Audit comprehensively discusses the system and the process of human resources audit. This Printed Materials also give an understanding of the compatibility audit, competency-based audit on human resources planning and procurement function, competency-based audit on human resources development and care function, audit on human resources aspects, as well as the competence-based of human resources efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, the knowledge about human resources audit provided in this Printed Materials can give key points on the process and audit system of human resources in an organization. In general, this Printed Materials covers the topic of the basic concept of audit and competence-based human resources audit, the scope and model of competence-based human resources audit. The approach and the research instrument in competence-based human resources, the practice of managerial function audit based on the competency and HR Metrics measurement, the analysis of human resources aspects, as well as the competence-based of human resources efficiency and effectiveness, and design the
competency-based human resources audit reporting.

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