Page 379 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
P. 379

340     Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
                   Universitas Terbuka (2023)

                 e-commerce, social media marketing, iklan online, dan video
                 marketing. Perusahaan  perlu membangun interaksi dan layanan
                 untuk membangun hubungan dengan konsumen melalui teknologi
                 aplikasi. Pendapatan usaha dapat diperoleh melalui penjualan
                 produk, fee layanan, dan fee langganan atau keanggotaan. Dari sisi
                 produksi, proses operasional bisnis aplikasi menjadi sumberdaya
                 kunci, dimana proses ini akan berjalan baik melalui kemitraan
                 dengan investor, produsen ikan, produk olahan perikanan, ekspedisi,
                 lembaga keuangan, lembaga pemerintah, dan vendor layanan
                 aplikasi. Pada struktur biaya, pengeluaran untuk operasional biaya
                 pemeliharaan, riset pengembangan, dan sistem aplikasi menjadi
                 komponen biaya utama dalam bisnis ini.

                 Kata Kunci: aplikasi pemasaran, bisnis model, perikanan, BMC


                 The fisheries sector is a mega sector that contributes to Indonesia.
                 Characteristics  of  fishery  products  and  Indonesia's  geographical
                 conditions are challenges for the marketing and distribution of
                 fishery  products.  The  problem  of  efficient  marketing  of  fishery
                 products requires serious and collective efforts. This article aims
                 to  analyze  the  business  model  for  developing  fishery  product
                 marketing applications. So that the creation of technology to
                 help  solve  fisheries  trade  system  problems  can  be  successful
                 and sustainable. This study uses a qualitative approach using the
                 9-element framework of the Business Model Canvas (BMC). Based
                 on the business model analysis, the potential consumer segments
                 in  developing  this  model  include  business  actors  in  the  fisheries
                 business system and consumers with a good understanding of
                 technology. Value propositions can emphasize product variety,
                 quality assurance,  responsive service through applications,  and
                 distribution and handling of fishery products that maintain quality.
                 Marketing channels use websites, e-commerce, social media
                 marketing, online advertising, and video marketing. Companies
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