Page 46 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 46

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  web-based  psychometric  profiling  system   and  socio-economic  changes  requiring
                  to  provide  analysis  and  focused  remedial   dynamic  changes  to  curriculum  design,
                  solutions  as  one  of  the  OUM’s  support   pedagogical  approaches,  use  of  technology
                  services (Md Ninggal et al., 2020). The smart   in education (online delivery, assessment and
                  system  will  consist  of  several  psychological   environment), smart governing systems and
                  assessment tools to provide evidence-based   an insight to future skills. OUM is privileged
                  data about our learners.                   to have established a regional network with
                                                             other open universities: Universitas Terbuka
                  At  national  level,  open  universities  in  the   Indonesia,  Sukhothai  Thammathirat  Open
                  country  face  other  common  challenges.   University,  University  of  Philippines  Open
                  One challenge that require a collective voice   University,  and  Hanoi  Open  University.
                  concern  quality  assurance  that  also  involve   Current  work  initiated  at  the  network  to
                  ranking and rating criteria that designed for   conceptualise ‘university of the future’.
                  conventional  universities.  A  common  voice
                  and presence in consultations on education   The  connected  world  that  we  live  today
                  policies  and  guidelines  with  government   creates  an  opportunity  to  exist  in  a
                  agencies  is  also  needed.  Government    borderless  platform  that  enable  a  much
                  support  in  the  realisation  of  access  to   more efficient resource sharing. At the same
                  education  for  all  (particularly  those  below   time, it also enables global societies to work
                  certain  income  as  well  as  those  in  rural   collectively  and  effectively  in  mitigating
                  communities  is  important.  In  addition,  a   global  crisis  including  climate  change.  In
                  joint  voice  will  also  give  the  universities  a   such  world,  as  open  universities  we  have
                  stronger voice in forming supportive linkage   the  social  responsibility  and  opportunity
                  with  other  economics  sectors,  particularly   to  create  knowledge  sharing  programmes
                  with  financial  institutions.  OUM  is  certainly   and  other  measures  to  help  to  create  an
                  appreciative   of   government   initiative   equitable education. In this, OUM is working
                  through  the  National  Digital  Infrastructure   on  new  research  initiatives  in  creating
                  Lab (NDIL) in the formation of the National   social  innovations  that  would  enable  and
                  Digital Network Plan (Jalinan Digital Negara   support a wider access and through strategic
                  known as JENDELA) in 2020 under the theme   knowledge sharing programmes. One that it
                  Coverage  for  All.  The  plan  sets  targets  for   has started to promote is literacies for 21
                  2022 (Phase I), and 2025 (Phase II) in order   century.  Phase  I  of  the  literacy  knowledge
                  to ensure access to internet and technology   dissemination webinar was organised in July
                  infrastructure  supporting  connectivity  is   2022. It focused on English language literacy,
                  available for all.                         numeracy,  information  literary,  digital
                                                             literacy,  and  media  literacy.  The  second
                  Likewise,  the  open  universities  in  the   phase  planned  for  January  2023  would
                  ASEAN  region  face  common  challenges    focus  on  health,  environmental,  civic,  and
                  and  opportunities.  Together  the  open   financial  literacies  along  with  globalisation.
                  universities  are  adapting  to  rapid  growth   The organising team is also hoping to include

                  Open University Malaysia (OUM)
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