Page 44 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 44

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT                   with  regional  open  universities  helped  to
                                                             strengthen  the  universities  efforts.  The
                  Redefining OUM Identity                    reputation of the university as an esteemed
                  In  the  first  15  years  since  its  inception,   ODL  university  made  it  an  ideal  choice  for
                  the  university  branded  itself  as  a  teaching   consultation and collaborations among other
                  university. As a private university, developing   universities and government agencies.
                  marketable  programmes  and  supporting
                  them became the upmost priority. In addition   Beyond  2015,  the  university  began  to
                  to  programme  development,  accreditation   explore teaching innovations through various
                  and  revision,  other  key  activities  were   digital  content  to  support  its  learners;  a
                  development of: (i) appropriate pedagogies   Moodle-based  learner  management  system
                  for ODL through the ODL Pedagogy Centre;   (myINSPIRE  was  introduced  in  May  2016),
                  (ii)  self-instructional  learning  material   online system to support APEL assessment,
                  through  CIDT;  (iii)  social-constructivism   paperless   initiatives   (by   introducing
                  based  facilitation  strategies  (Asynchronous   e-module  in  pdf  format  instead  of  print)
                  Facilitation  though  Online  Forum  and   and  broaden  its  research  scope  to  support
                  Synchronous  Facilitation  through  Face-to-  its  postgraduate  learners.  As  a  result,
                  face  Tutorials/Seminars);  (iv)  Formative   when  the  world  was  hit  by  the  pandemic
                  and  Summative  Assessment  Formats;  (v)   at the end 2019, the university was able to
                  Learn  Managing  System  (LMS);  and  (vi)   transform  at  ease  into  digital  environment.
                  Managing  Adult  Learner.  Intensive  capacity   Nevertheless, the  surrounding environment
                  building  activities  were  carried  out  in  the   also changed and became more competitive.
                  following  areas:  curriculum  design  (centred   This creates a motivation for the university
                  around  Outcome-based  Education  since    to analyse its status as a sustainable quality
                  2008), module writing skills (centred around   digital  education  provider  and  transform
                  Instructional Designs), tutor training (online   itself  through  research  and  innovation.  In
                  facilitation  and  face-to-face  tutoring),  and   2022,  under  the  new  management  led  by
                  writing  assessment  papers  and  writing   the  present  President/Vice  Chancellor  8
                  effective feedback. Research activities were   Strategic  Focuses  was  drafted  to  reach  its
                  organised  based  on  institutional  needs   aspiration as a reputable sustainable quality
                  and  learner  retention  (Latif  et  al.,  2009).   digital  education  provider.  Under  these
                  Numerous  programmes  at  various  levels   strategic  objectives,  additional  focuses  and
                  (Diploma, Bachelor Degree, Master’s Degree,   action  plans  have  been  drafted  to  reach
                  and Doctor of Philosophy) were developed.   greater  reputation  under  the  national
                  Later  post-graduate  diploma  and  doctoral   university  ranking  exercise.  This  certainly
                  studies  were  included  into  the  list.  The   demands  a  change  in  culture.  Finding  the
                  university developed its Quality Management   right  enabler  for  a  shift  in  culture  require
                  Systems based on ISO standards as well as the   well-planned engagement with stakeholders.
                  2009 COL Quality Assurance Toolkit Distance   The centre for research and innovation has
                  HEIs and Programmes. Network and linkages   drafted  action  plans  under  selected  areas

                  Open University Malaysia (OUM)
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