Page 40 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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02           Open                                       ESTABLISHMENT

                  University                                 In Malaysia distance education started at the
                                                             Centre of Distance Education known as Pusat
                                                             Pendidikan  Jarak  Jauh  (PJJ)  at  the  Science
                  Malaysia:                                  University  of  Malaysia  (Universiti  Sains
                  Sustainable                                Malaysia (USM)) in the 1970s. Today, almost
                                                             all public universities have a dedicated centre
                  Quality Digital                            that  promotes  distance  education.  Over
                                                             30  years  later,  Open  University  Malaysia
                  Education for                              (OUM) was established on 10  August 2000
                  All                                        as  the  country’s  7   private  university.  In
                                                             August  2001,  OUM  offered  4  programmes
                                                             and  enrolled  731  learners  for  its  inaugural
                                                             intake.  OUM  was  officially  launched  on  26
                                                             August 2002 by the then Prime Minister of
                                                             Malaysia,  Yang  Amat  Berhormat  Dato’  Seri
                  Ahmad Izanee Awang,                        Dr  Mahathir  Mohamad.  The  university  was
                  Mohd Tajudin Md Ninggal, and               established as part of the strategies to build
                  Thirumeni T Subramaniam                    knowledge-based  society,  with  the  motto
                                                             of “University for All”. Today OUM is joined
                  Open University Malaysia                   by  two  other  private  open  and  distance
                                                             learning  (ODL)  universities:  Wawasan  Open
                                                             University  (WOU)  established  in  2006,
                                                             and  Asia  e-University  (AeU)  which  was
                                                             established  in  the  subsequent  year.  Others
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