Page 36 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 36

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  CONCLUSION                                 Radio  lectures  were  seen  as  a  limiting  and
                  For  over  50  years  since  its  foundation  in   antiquated  medium  in  this  regard.  Even
                  1972, KNOU has been developing as Korea’s   though  they  required  a  lot  of  effort  to
                  first open university. In terms of its teaching-  produce,  TV  lectures  might  contain  a  large
                  learning  methods,  KNOU  has  gone  through   number  of  audiovisual  resources.  The  TV
                  continuous development.                    lectures were well received by the students,
                                                             and they helped to improve their reputation.
                  First  and  foremost,  the  development  of   Despite the fact that the amount of lecture
                  high-quality teaching materials has become   content is limited, TV lectures have proven
                  increasingly vital. KNOU has placed a strong   to  be  popular  due  to  their  benefits.  KNOU
                  emphasis on releasing high-quality teaching   was able to take the lead in realizing a true
                  materials,  believing  that  these  are  critical   learning  society  as  a  future  university  that
                  to the success of beginning correspondence   leads  an  information-oriented  society  after
                  education. Since that time, the KNOU Press   obtaining the permission to run a cable TV
                  has remained true to its mission of publishing   channel.
                  “specialist  instructional  materials.”  Based
                  on-printed  instructional  materials  and   Third,  multimedia  lectures  have  progressed
                  texts,  TV,  radio,  and  audio  lectures  have   significantly.  Web-based  instructions  have
                  been  offered.  Without  printed  instructional   been  used  in  all  graduate  courses  since
                  materials, it is difficult to create good lecture   the  twenty-first  century,  while  multimedia
                  content. Multimedia lectures and web-based   lectures have been used in all undergraduate
                  instructions,  on  the  other  hand,  can  be   courses since 2006. In both technology and
                  accompanied with a variety of references and   education, they have advanced enormously.
                  texts. This feature has a lot of potential, and   As a result, they can now replace pre-existing
                  it has the potential to outperform traditional   radio/audio  and  television  lectures.  Web-
                  printed training materials.                based  instructions  and  multimedia  lectures
                                                             could  partially  replace  printed  teaching
                  Second,  KNOU  has  been  looking  for  a   materials  and  mimic  the  impact  of  face-to-
                  technological  change  to  bring  about  a   face lecturing in offline classes.
                  transformation in broadcast media. Initially,
                  KNOU’s  broadcast  lectures  were  only    Furthermore,  the  widespread  availability
                  available via radio and terrestrial television.   of  the  internet  and  the  slow  rise  of  cyber
                  Many employed students, on the other hand,   colleges  in  Korean  culture  have  increased
                  found  it  difficult  to  attend  TV  lectures  or   the  standing  of  web-based  and  multimedia
                  listen to radio lectures that were transmitted   lectures at KNOU.
                  at  regular  intervals.  Students  might  listen
                  to  audio  lectures  at  any  time,  which  could
                  substitute  TV/radio  lectures.  Radio  lectures
                  were,  in  particular,  losing  popularity  and
                  were  unable  to  give  visual  information.

                  Korea National Open University (KNOU)
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