Page 32 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 32

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  Table 1
                  K-MOOC in numbers

                   Year                     2017          2018            2019
                   Developed Lectures       324           510             1,703
                   Participating Institutions  69         95              116
                   Budgets (unit: KRW)      6,928,000,000 7,840,000,000   9,734,000,000

                  Other Open Educational Practices           contributions.  However,  the  number  of
                  As Korea’s first and unique national distance   new  students  is  slightly  decreasing  due
                  higher  educational  institution,  KNOU  has   to  diversified  distance  higher  educational
                  been establishing its educational and student   institutions  and  an  increase  in  higher
                  support  systems  based  upon  social  needs.   education rates. As such, it is time for KNOU
                  KNOU  has  computerized  and  automatized   to reconsider how to lead future education.
                  its services in response to an increase in the   In  order  to  overcome  the  current  issues
                  number of students and has made efforts to   and  to  grow  as  a  more  successful  distance
                  provide an optimal educational environment   higher educational institution and a lifelong
                  by systematizing the Office of Student Affairs.  network  university,  KNOU  should  provide
                                                             more  quality  educational  services  than  the
                  The traditional education system focusing on   preexisting  degree-oriented  system  and
                  college-aged  students  was  shifted  to  adult-  quickly respond to social changes. To achieve
                  student  centered  lifelong  education  due  to   this, KNOU should operate various curricula
                  the changing of the times. KNOU has been   and innovate its student service systems in
                  striving  to  meet  various  students’  needs   the  near  future.  In  addition  to  quantitative
                  such  as  career  development  and  academic   growth  in  education,  KNOU  should  secure
                  counseling.  This  is  shown  in  the  KNOU   qualitative  excellence  and  provide  an
                  systems  focusing  on  “life  cycle-customized   extensive  range  of  quality  educational
                  lifelong  learning  strategies”  and  “lifelong   contents  in  response  to  students’  needs.
                  learning network strategies”.              Furthermore,  KNOU  should  strengthen
                                                             the  connectivity  between  online-offline
                  KNOU  grants  scholarships  to  a  variety  of   education  and  student  activities,  improve
                  social groups and students to realize higher   its  mentoring  system,  and  reinvigorate  the
                  education  welfare.  In  addition,  it  supports   study groups as new paradigms.
                  independent  student  bodies  so  that  adult
                  learners can strengthen their social learning.
                  KNOU  is  considered  a  world-class  distance
                  higher  educational  institution  and  lifelong
                  educational  institution  because  of  its
                  outstanding  educational  systems  and  social

                  Korea National Open University (KNOU)
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