Page 29 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 29

Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  9

                   Interviews  and  Practice  as  advanced   Figure 6
                   menus.  Students  can  study  the  subject   Types of web-based instructions
                   via the Internet LOD or connect U-KNOU+
                   Mobile Service using their smartphones     Category    Description
                   anywhere and at any time.                  Tutorial    A general of WBL.
               (3)  Web-based instructions                    type        Students interact with
                   Web-based  instructions  (WBI)  is  a  type            learning materials
                   of  e-learning  that  facilitates  various             without direct assistance
                   teaching-learning activities through two-              of the instuctors.
                   way  interactions  between  instructors    Discussion- Students share their
                   and  students  based  on  the  Internet.   centered    information, ideas, and
                   WBI  is  mainly  developed  for  graduate   type       opinions with other
                                                                          students or instructors to
                   courses.  KNOU  web-based  instructions                solve a problem.
                   utilize a variety of multimedia materials   Project    Self-directed learning
                   such  as  video,  audio,  animation,  etc.   type      activities through
                   It  facilitates  team  projects  as  well  as          projects.
                   online discussion and induces voluntary    Practice-   It suggests practice
                   participation from students. The types of   centered   tasks or processes and
                   web-based instructions are as shown in     type        the instructor shows
                   Figure 6.                                              demonstration videos.

                                                                    Korea National Open University (KNOU)
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