Page 33 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 33

Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  13

               RESEARCH AREAS
               Institute of Distance Education, an auxiliary facility to KNOU, carries out various policy studies
               and academic projects to improve the competitiveness of the tertiary education that KNOU
               offers. Table 2 lists the titles of research conducted from 2017-2020, which indicates the area
               of topics that interest and are considered important by KNOU and KNOU professors.

               Table 4
               List of Research during 2017- 2020

                Year    Research Title
                2017    1.  A Study on Strategies to Introduce KNOU MOOC Service, based on KNOU’s Pool
                           of Contents
                        2.  A Study on the establishment of a distance higher, lifelong education support
                           system  for  educationally  disadvantaged  people:  A  Case  of  learners  with
                           multicultural backgrounds
                        3.  A Study on the plan to support innovation at national universities (PoINT )
                        4.  A study on an analysis of educational needs among KNOU graduates: A survey
                           of KNOU graduates between 2014 and 2017
                        5.  A study on the development of investigative tools for KNOU learners’ learning
                        6.  A study on KNOU learners’ needs per generation and ways to find new sources
                           of students
                        7.  A study on future distance higher, lifelong education in an intelligent information
                           society of the fourth industrial revolution
                        8.  A study on the IDE’s performance for the last 40 years and its future development
                        9.  A study on ways to reorganize the education system to create a new pool of
                        10.  A study on measures to introduce intensive semesters
                        11.  A study on evaluation methods focused on learning process to improve KNOU
                           students’ learning effects
                        12.  A  study  on  the  development  of  guidelines  to  offer  face -to -face  lectures  in
                           different ways
                        13.  A  study  on  the  design  of  a  future  KNOU  knowledge  portal  based  on  smart
                           learning in preparation for the advent of the fourth industrial revolution
                        14.  A study on the diagnosis for KNOU organization
                        15.  A study on ways to offer new elective courses and an implementation roadmap
                        16.  A study on the HR management of teaching faculty to support teaching and
                        17.  A study on a pilot operation of the tutor system improvement measures, and
                           the development of action plans to measure their effectiveness
                        18.  A  study  on  the  plan  to  establish  a  system  to  evaluate  the  finance  of  KNOU
                        19.  A study on the measures to analyze KNOU faculty’s research activities and to
                           improve the university’s research policies

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