Page 45 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 45

Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  25

               to enable innovative solutions and/or social   the sustainability of the university. Another
               innovations. This plan when supported by the   plan  that  has  been  incorporated  is  Risk
               current management efforts in network and   Management. A dedicated team will be set-
               linkages can indeed place OUM in the frontier   up by the end of 2022 to help the university
               of Sustainable Quality Digital Education.   identify new trends in technology-enhanced
                                                          education and its surrounding environment to
               Positioning  OUM  in  the  Frontier  of    develop a plan for 2030. At present planning
               Socially  Responsible  and  Sustainable    to support technology advancement for the
               Quality Digital Education                  next five years (until 2026) are in place. What
               In  line  with  the  university’s  aspiration  to   we do expect? What we hope for is greater
               be  sustainable  and  to  offer  quality  digital   extend of integrated and adaptive intelligent
               education, OUM is hoping to position itself   systems  that  corresponds  to  the  targets
               as a socially responsible and sustainable ODL   under the SDGs.
               university that offers quality state of art digital
               education.  In  realising  this,  the  university  Future Challenges and Opportunities
               is  undertaking  the  following  initiatives:  (i)   As  a  private  higher  education  institution  in
               strengthening  its  academic  programmes;   ODL, OUM shares the market with two other
               (ii)  establishing  research  projects  with   open universities in a country with only 33.94
               targeted in – niche areas, key strategic areas   million  population  and  only  24.65  million
               (which  includes  literacies,  good  health  and   adults  aged  over  18  (estimated  2022  data
               wellbeing,  technology-enhanced  learning   from United Nation (2022 World Population
               design  towards  creating  engaged  learning   Review)).  This  added  to  the  competitions
               environment,  environmental,  social  and   from the public university distance education
               governance (ESG) as well as student-centred   centres  (PJJs)  and  universities  running  ODL
               studies);  (iii)  smart  learner  management   programmes, particularly in the present post
               systems;  (iv)  intellectual  properties,  social   Covid-19 education landscape, OUM certainly
               innovations  and  services  as  research   face  a  great  challenge  in  sustaining  itself.
               outcomes;  (v)  regional  and  global  network   Fortunately, as a pioneer ODL institution and
               and linkages; centre of excellence and state   good branding, OUM has sustained itself. Its
               of art facilities in selected fields; (vi) quality   learner  population  are  mostly  self-financed
               management system for ODL; and (vii) higher   working  adults  with  children.  As  such  the
               ranking in the national ranking exercise and   learner population are prone to experience
               research rating system. The initiatives consist   three  situational  learning  barriers:  work,
               of a short-term action plans for 2022, with   finance  and  family  that  would  continue  to
               extended targets for 2024, and 2026 which   be  a  challenge.  Hence,  the  motivation  for
               will be referenced against target set for the   the  university  to  establish  the  new  Faculty
               national ranking exercise and research rating   of Social Science and Humanities. In addition
               system. Growth is also ascertained by a plan   to  the  offer  of  psychology  and  counselling
               to  offer  marketable  programmes,  and  new   programmes,  the  faculty  has  initiated
               ventures (local and international) to ensure   research  projects  that  aims  to  develop  a

                                                                         Open University Malaysia (OUM)
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