Page 173 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  153

               official documents. The F2F sessions and the   The  teletutorial  system  can  probably  be
               Learning Centers also became the venue for   considered  as  the  early  generation  of
               students  to  meet  and  socialize  with  their   technology-mediated  synchronous  sessions
               fellow  learners  which  somehow  provided   in the hybrid format where some students are
               that sense of belongingness, which is usually   F2F with the tutor and others are connected
               missing among DE students,                 via the telephone line.

               Specific for UPOU also, there came a point  Disrupting the Disruption: DE in the Era
               when the number of students enrolled in a  of the Internet
               course in a Learning Center could no longer   DE  has  been  considered  as  a  disruption  in
               merit  a  cost-effective  way  of  holding  F2F   the  traditional  educational  system  which
               sessions,  hence  teletutorials  were  held   was  exclusive  and  very  much  anchored
               instead (Bandalaria, 2007).  In this period of   on  the  students’  physical  presence  in  the
               DE development in the Philippines, telephone   campus  and  perceived  to  be  the  indicator
               played  a  major  role  to  provide  tutorial   of quality education. This was articulated by
               support to the students.  In this teletutorial   Tait (2008 citing de Salvo, 2002) as follows
               system,  a  speaker  phone  (Polycom,  Figure   with  reference  to  the  University  of  London
               2) was used.  The tutor was in the university   External Study System:
               Headquarter meeting a group of students F2F
               and connected through the telephone line to   The  great  advantage  an  Oxford  or
               other small groups of students also gathered   Cambridge  man  (sic  but  actually
               F2F in University Learning Centers.           accurate) claims over his London rival
                                                             is his social education. It is he says a
               Figure 2                                      moral  training.  His  university  career
               The  speakerphone  Used  in  iTeletutorials   is  far  more  than  the  acquisition  of
               During the Late 90s to 2000                   knowledge.  He  is  no  lowly  student,
                                                             working  narrowly  for  his  own  hand,
                                                             but a man among men, and he points
                                                             to  the  union  debating  society,  to  the
                                                             collegiate  and  university  football,
                                                             cricket and boating, as influence to this
                                                             end. (de Salvo, 2002, p. 38).

                                                          Probably,  this  challenge  of  proving  that
                                                          DE  is  at  par  with  the  conventional  mode
                                                          of  instruction  drove  DE  practitioners  and
                                                          scholars to maximize the potential of modern
                                                          ICTs, like the Internet,  to further bridge the
                                                          physical  (and  hopefully,  transactional  or
                                                          pedagogic  distance  as  proposed  by  Moore,
                                                          2018)    distance  that  separates  the  teacher

                                                          University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU)
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