Page 177 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  157

               4.  The  modern  ICTs,  specifically  the  MOOCs AND OTHER OPEN EDUCATION
                   Internet,  also  heralded  the  various  PRACTICES
                   forms  of  open  education  practices  and   DE is a mode of instructional delivery which
                   as  such  further  pushed  the  frontier  of   enables  learners  to  study  and  complete
                   inclusive  education.    Initiatives  in  the   a  course  or  an  academic  degree  without
                   form of OERs, MOOCs, open journal and   having to be physically present in the campus
                   open books became major components     or university.  This is one barrier to access to
                   of  delivering  DE  programs  and  courses   education  removed  and  can  be  considered
                   to  all  types  of  learners.    This  included   as one step towards openness.  Adopting the
                   mobile  learning  in  consideration  of  the   contextualization of open education by Bates
                   proliferation  of  mobile  gadgets  in  the   (2015), open education can take many forms
                   country.  This necessitated the design of   and formats which include education for all,
                   online courses to make them accessible   open access to courses and programs, open
                   using mobile devices.                  educational resources, open textbooks, open
               5.  The  mode  of  delivery  system  also   research, and open data.
                   resulted in the convergence of the major
                   functions  of  the  university  such  that   The discourse about openness and attempts
                   the  mode  of  instruction,  especially  the   to offer open online courses started at UPOU
                   innovations  being  introduced,  became   at about the same time as online learning in
                   the subject of research to contribute to   2001.  Following are the significant milestones
                   the  continuous  building  of  knowledge   in UPOU’s journey towards openness which
                   on  open  and  distance  elearning.  Public   can  probably  simulate  the  Philippine  DE
                   service,  like  training  programs,  is  also   journey towards openness.
                   being done through open online learning.    •  During  the  early  2000  (between  2001-
                                                             2004), a non-credit online course titled
                                                             Online  Teaching  and  Learning  was
                                                             offered by UPOU with the goal of training
                                                             faculty  members  on  online  teaching.
                                                             The  course  was  initially  offered  to  the
                                                             faculty members of the University of the
                                                             Philippines. It should be noted that it was
                                                             the  period  that  UPOU  initiated  online
                                                             teaching and learning in its DE delivery
                                                             system and many of its faculty members
                                                             were  based  in  the  other  Constituent
                                                             Units of the University of the Philippines,
                                                             hence  the  necessity  of  this  training
                                                             program.   The initial offering registered
                                                             more  than  100  learners.    Although  it
                                                             was  not  completely  open  in  the  sense

                                                          University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU)
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