Page 176 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 176

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  1.  The  necessity  to  deliver  and  make    instruction,  their concretization is very
                      available  learner  support  services  to  all   much different in an online environment.
                      students wherever they are became the     The managerial role for instance would
                      initial  driving  force  for  DE  to  become   require  knowledge  and  skills  in  an
                      online.    The  instructional  content  was   e-classroom management and delivering
                      the  last  to  be  digitally  transformed,  as   instructional  content  and  motivating
                      per  UPOU’s  experience,  which  can  be   and  engaging  students  would  also  be
                      attributed  to  the  fact  that  there  were   different in online learning.
                      many learners who preferred their course   3.  The  technologies  associated  with  the
                      module to be in the printed format and    delivery  system  also  made  an  impact
                      also the state of the internet connectivity   on  the  organizational  structure  of  the
                      in many areas of the country which made   academic  institution  as  well  as  in  the
                      it difficult to download large files from the   administrative processes and procedures.
                      Internet.  Learning packages were made    One  example  that  can  be  cited  here  is
                      redundant in terms of being available in   the changing role of the learning centers
                      both the digital and printed format.      in  the  overall  configuration  of  DE  in
                  2.  The  change in the delivery system also   the  country.    Another  component  also
                      has a corresponding change in the role    emerged in the organizational structure,
                      and functions of the teacher.  The roles   the  Testing  Centers,  which  have  to
                      of the teacher and the tutor which were   be  identified  within  and  outside  the
                      distinct  during  the  early  years  of  DE  in   country.  In this instance, the embassies,
                      the  country  became  blurred  with  the   consular offices, alumni of the university
                      implementation of online learning.  From   and other partner organizations became
                      course materials preparation, which was   important  as  they  were  tapped  either
                      primarily printed during the early years to   as  Testing  Centers  or  proctors  for  the
                      the  resource-based  model  of  preparing   students based outside the country.
                      course packages which rely heavily on the
                      materials from the Internet became the
                      norm for UPOU.  With the online delivery
                      system, the teacher has to assume other
                      roles in addition to the usual pedagogical
                      role.    These  additional  roles  include
                      social role to foster a friendly and social
                      environment and help learners connect
                      with one another, and the technological
                      role  to  enable  the  students  to  use  the
                      different tools and platforms to facilitate
                      learning.  While the other teacher roles
                      like the pedagogical and managerial roles
                      are also being done in the conventional

                  University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU)
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