Page 172 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 172

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  DELIVERY SYSTEM AND                        the radio script writers to produce the radio
                  TECHNOLOGY USE                             lectures.

                  The Pre-Internet Era                       UPOU  continued  the  use  of  printed  course
                  Distance education in the Philippines has the   materials that were mailed to the students as
                  same  historical  roots  as  in  most  countries   well as the once-a-month face-to-face (F2F)
                  which  started  the  journey  at  almost  the   tutorial  sessions  in  the  University  Learning
                  same time, that is the use of radio to deliver   Centers  which  characterize  its  forerunner,
                  instruction  to  the  learners.    Historical   STUDI.    There  were  no  more  recorded
                  accounts,  however,  point  to  the  fact  that   lectures aired over radio, instead, recorded
                  these initiatives were mainly for non-formal   audio lectures were stored in audio cassette
                  courses  as  in  the  case  of  DZLB’s  Paaralang   tapes  which  became  a  component  of  the
                  Panghimpapawid. For degree programs, the   course  packages  for  some  of  the  courses.
                  use of printed course materials, as in the case   Television was used for a limited extent only
                  of  the  STUDI  implementation,  became  the   probably  because  of  the  cost  of  airing  the
                  main technology.                           video-lectures, which could also be the same
                                                             reason why this communication platform did
                  In STUDI, the main course materials, prepared   not take prominence despite the penetration
                  by the university experts on science (Biology,   of  television  across  socio-economic  classes
                  Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics) were   in the Philippines.  A review of the available
                  printed  into  what  was  then  referred  to  as   literature about the PUP-OU also revealed the
                  “course modules” and mailed to the students   use of printed course materials in delivering
                  enrolled  in  the  program.    Radio,  which   instructional  content  (Contact  North.  No
                  figured prominently in the beginnings of DE   date).
                  in the country, became supplementary with
                  only the selected lessons recorded as radio   Both  UPOU  and  PUP-OU  implemented  F2F
                  lectures  and  broadcast  over  Radio  DZLB.    sessions  in  university-designated  Learning
                  The  radio  lectures,  with  duration  of  8-20   Centers.  For UPOU, these sessions became
                  minutes, were also “stored in magnetic audio   the  venue  for  university-trained  tutors
                  cassette  tapes,  and  distributed  to  students   to  clarify  lessons  that  the  students  have
                  residing in the rural areas and not reached   difficulty  understanding,  provide  feedback
                  by the signals of Radio DZLB.  The STUDI is   to the submissions of the students, and also
                  a  convergence  of  three  information  and   monitor  the  progress  of  the  students.    On
                  communication  technologies:  print;  radio;   the  part  of  the  students,  the  F2F  sessions
                  and the audio cassette.  The way by which   or  visits  to  the  Learning  Centers  facilitated
                  the course materials were prepared can also   their  submission  of  assignments/course
                  be considered as the beginnings of the team   requirements,  sit  for  their  proctored
                  approach  to  course  materials  development   examinations,  and  attend  to  some  other
                  and  preparations  of  the  course  pack,  that   university  processes  like  enrollment,  pick-
                  is, the subject matter experts working with   up of learning materials, and submission of

                  University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU)
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