Page 168 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 168

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  3.  This author also has a personal account of attempting to take a course at ICS after seeing
                      its  advertisements  in  the  Philippine  popular  reading  materials.    Most  of  the  courses
                      advertised were short courses and more on the technical vocational category (Bandalaria,

                  Figure 1
                  Printed  matter  cover  from  the  Commonwealth  of  the  Philippines  to  ICS,  Scranton  PA  USA
                  postmarked 18 December 1907


                  Another  important  contribution  to  the   which became the major player in DE in the
                  establishment of the DE in the country is the   country henceforth.  UPOU is a Constituent
                  Science Teaching Using Distance Instruction   Unit  of  the  only  national  university  in  the
                  (STUDI) which was implemented in 1984 by   country, the University of the Philippines (UP)
                  the University of the Philippines Los Banos.    with  the  mandate  of  democratizing  access
                  The goal was to address the lack of training   to  quality  education  through  this  mode  of
                  of  science  teachers,  a  problem  identified   instruction.
                  through  a  survey  conducted  by  the  then
                  National  Science  and  Technology  Authority   The   other   government-funded   open
                  (now Department of Science and Technology);   university  was  also  established  in  the
                  by making available opportunities for “longer-   Philippines during the 1990s: the Polytechnic
                  term training for teachers without requiring   University of the Philippines Open University
                  them to go on an extended leaves of absence”   (PUP-OU),  a  government-funded  university,
                  (Librero, 2015).   This initiative eventually led   which was established in 1990 (https://web.
                  to the establishment of the University of the
                  Philippines Open University (UPOU) in 1995,    The

                  University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU)
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