Page 166 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 166

07           Philippines:                               ESTABLISHMENT

                  Revolutionizing                            Distance education (DE) in the Philippines was
                                                             established through the initiatives of various
                                                             individuals  and  organizations  which  shaped
                  Disruptions for                            its  development  to  its  current  status  and
                  Sustainable                                articulations.  Much had been written about
                                                             it,  mostly  presenting  in  chronological  order
                  System of                                  these initiatives deemed to contribute to the
                                                             establishment of this mode of instruction in
                  Education                                  the country.

                  (A Critical                                Most  of  the  literature  published  about

                  Reflection of                              DE  in  the  Philippines  would  trace  it  back
                                                             to  radio  through  the  following  initiatives:
                  the Events and                             the  “farmers’  school”  in  1952  by  the  Iloilo

                                                             City-based  broadcaster,  Pacifico  Sudario;
                  Milestones)                                teaching  English  to  Filipinos  in  1959    by
                                                             the  Department  of  Education  and  the
                                                             Philippine  Broadcasting  Service;  and  the
                                                             school  format  radio  program  discussing
                                                             information on swine raising by the National
                                                             Cottage  Industries  Development  Authority
                  Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria               (NACIDA)  in  1963  (Librero,  2015).    Radyo

                  University of the Philippines              DZLB of the University of the Philippines Los
                  Open University                            Banos also started broadcasting customized
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