Page 110 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  MOOCs AND OTHER OPEN EDUCATION             learning,  other  educational  institutions
                  PRACTICES                                  also  joined  the  construction  of  Chinese-
                  Thanks to the joint efforts of the institutions   language platforms. For example, the Higher
                  of higher learning, governments, and other   Education  Press  joined  hands  with  NetEase
                  institutions in recent years, the construction   and launched MOOC of Chinese Universities
                  of  MOOCs  in  China  has  been  successful.   (, and Peking University
                  This  section  reviews  the  status  of  MOOC   developed  the  Chinese  Language  MOOC
                  development in China, revealing the existing   (   platform   in
                  problems  facing  MOOC  construction  in   cooperation with Alibaba. Furthermore, the
                  China in order to give a direction for future   involvement  of  technology  enterprises  has
                  improvement.                               strengthened  the  technical  functionalities
                                                             of  these  platforms,  ensuring  that  MOOC
                  MOOC Platform Construction                 platforms can better serve learners.
                  The  development  of  MOOCs  in  China  falls
                  into  the  two  categories  of  international  MOOC Resource Construction
                  cooperation  and  localized  construction.  In   The  construction  of  localized  platforms
                  the early stages, the development of MOOCs   has  made  it  possible  for  a  number  of
                  was dominated by cooperation of top China   Chinese  universities  to  take  part  in  MOOC
                  universities  with  renowned  international   construction. MOOCs are no longer a select
                  platforms. For example, Tsinghua University,   project of some top universities; they have
                  the University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong   developed  into  an  education  movement
                  University of Science and Technology signed   with  a  common  commitment  from  various
                  a  cooperation  agreement  with  edX;  Fudan   types of institutions of higher learning. This
                  University,  Shanghai  Jiao  Tong  University,   has  also  provided  favorable  conditions  for
                  and  the  Chinese  University  of  Hong  Kong   MOOCs  to  grow  in  number  and  diversify
                  joined  Coursera;  and  Peking  University   in  terms  of  content.  According  to  statistics
                  and  Hong  Kong  University  of  Science  and   from the Ministry of Education, by the end of
                  Technology established cooperation with edX   2017, domestic institutions of higher learning
                  and Coursera (Yuan & Liu, 2014). However,   and related institutions had established more
                  due to language and culture limitations, open   than 10 MOOC platforms. 3,200 courses from
                  courses  from  international  platforms  were   around  460  institutions  of  higher  learning
                  unable to adequately serve Chinese learners.  had  been  pushed  online,  and  55  million
                                                             university students and learners from across
                  Against  this  background,  the  development   society had chosen to study the courses (Chai
                  of  MOOCs  in  China  entered  a  stage    &  Jiao,  2018).  As  of  October  2021,  there
                  of  localization.  For  instance,  Tsinghua   were as many as 47,500 online courses with
                  University  launched  the  Classroom  Online   364  million  registered  users,  the  number
                  (  platform.  This  was   of  people  who  chose  to  learn  the  courses
                  followed by CNMOOC by Shanghai Jiao Tong   had  surpassed  755  million,  and  290  million
                  University. In addition to institutions of higher   students  had  obtained  MOOC  credits  (Wu,

                  The Open University of China (OUC)
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