Page 106 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 106

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  Organization and Management System            in  institutions  of  higher  learning.  There
                  of Online Education                           are three basic models.
                  The  Chinese  government  decided  on  and
                  implemented  the  cross-century  “Modern      The first is off-campus study centres set
                  Distance  Education  Project”  in  the  second   up by institutions of higher education on
                  half of the 1990s. By 2003, 68 institutions of   the basis of local RTVUs, adult education
                  higher learning had received approval from    colleges, and vocational schools without
                  the Ministry of Education to pilot and explore   the  cooperation  with  the  publication
                  a modern distance education model based on    service  system.  For  example,  Central
                  two-way interactive satellite TV and computer   South University established off-campus
                  networks.  They  gradually  formulated  their   study centres based on provincial and city
                  own  distinctive  organization,  management,   RTVUs. Now, its learning support network
                  and  operation  model  during  the  course  of   covers  25  provinces  (municipalities  and
                  offering online education.                    autonomous regions) nationwide.

                  •  Organization  Structure.  In  order  to    The second is to build off-campus study
                      advance  the  implementation  of  online   centres in cooperation with the distance
                      education,  pilot  institutions  of  higher   education  public  service  system.  For
                      learning  established  online  education   example,  Northeast  Normal  University
                      colleges,  which  then  set  up  study    has entered into cooperation with Open
                      centres  (tutorial  centres)  for  teaching   Edutainment,  a  public  service  system
                      and  management  all  over  the  country.   institution,  to  jointly  build  authorised
                      Furthermore, to advance the opening and   off-campus study centres in 29 provinces
                      sharing  of  educational  resources,  from   (autonomous regions and municipalities)
                      2005 to 2007, the Ministry of Education
                      gave  approval  to  Open  Edutainment,    The third is a blended model combining
                      China  Cyber  Learning  Co.,  Ltd.,  and   the  first  two  categories,  including  both
                      Hongcheng  Technology  Development        independent  off-campus  study  centres
                      Co., Ltd. to establish a distance education   and those built-in cooperation with the
                      public  service  system  offering  teaching   public  service  system.  An  example  is
                      management  and  learning  support        Chongqing University Distance Education
                      for  online  education  in  institutions   College, which has built more than 160
                      of  higher  learning.  The  institutions  of   off-campus study centres in 27 provinces
                      higher  learning  established  their  own   (autonomous regions and municipalities)
                      public service systems and enhanced the   nationwide using the blended model.
                      strength  of  their  online  education.  Due
                      to the different methods of cooperation
                      with  public  services  systems,  there  are
                      some  differences  in  the  organizational
                      management models of online education

                  The Open University of China (OUC)
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