Page 101 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  81

                   regular  institutions  of  higher  learning,   development.    However,  there  are  still
                   open  universities,  higher  vocational   some  problems  affecting  the  talent
                   schools,  and  independent  colleges  and   cultivation  quality  of  online  education.
                   universities  for  adults.  This  means  that   In  December  2019,  the  General  Office
                   there  are  different  specifications  for   of  the  Ministry  of  Education  issued
                   majors, which has a negative impact on    the  Circular  on  Relevant  Tasks  to  Serve
                   the quality of talent cultivation and the   Lifelong  Learning  for  All  and  Promote
                   educational reputation of institutions of   the  Quality  Development  of  Online
                   higher learning. In 2016, the Ministry of   Education in Modern Distance Education
                   Education  formulated  and  promulgated   of Pilot Institutions of Higher Education.
                   Administrative Measures for the Specialty   It  aims  to  enhance  the  supervision  of
                   Setup  of  Higher  Degree  Continuing     educational institutions to urge them to
                   Education. The purpose of this document   improve quality and reduce quantity, to
                   is  to  streamline  administration  and   standardise  operation,  and  to  improve
                   delegate  power  to  the  lower  levels,  to   the  quality  of  talent  cultivation  by
                   standardise  the  management  of  and     establishing  administrative  rules  for
                   administrative  policies  for  establishing   the  entire  process  from  enrolment  to
                   majors  in  higher  degree  continuing    cultivation to completion.
                   education, to define the responsibilities
                   and  procedures,  and  to  strengthen   •  Promote the Penetration and Integration
                   process  supervision  and  information    of  “Internet  +”  Into  Education  at  All
                   service. In line with these administrative   Levels  and  of  All  Types.  In  order  to
                   measures,  starting  from  2018,  regular   implement    “building  an  education
                   institutions of higher learning no longer   system  that  serves  lifelong  learning  for
                   offer  degree  continuing  education      all  people”,  relevant  state  departments
                   beyond   their   full-time   education    have  issued  a  series  of  programmatic
                   specialties,  and  regular  undergraduate   documents  on  the  development  of
                   institutions of higher learning who do not   education and training at all levels and of
                   offer junior college education no longer   various  types  through  precise  planning
                   offer  junior  college  degree  continuing   and careful deliberation, such as “On the
                   education.                                Implementation  of  IT  Capacity  Building
                                                             Project  (Phase  2.0)  for  Teachers  from
               •  Promote High Quality Development of        China Primary and Secondary Schools “
                   Online  Education  in  Modern  Distance   [2019], “On Promoting the Development
                   Education of Pilot Institutions of Higher   of the  Service for the Elderly”, “Opinions
                   Learning. Since the Chinese government    on  the  Targeted  Poverty  Alleviation
                   started  the  modern  distance  education   Work  in  the  New  Era  for  Universities
                   pilot  project  in  1999,  online  higher   Directly  Affiliated  to  MoE  “,  “the
                   degree education in regular institutions   Reform  Plan  for  China’s  Vocational
                   of higher learning has experienced rapid   Education(2019-2021)”, “  On  Improving

                                                                      The Open University of China (OUC)
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