Page 100 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  •  Promote  the  Healthy  Development  of   •  Promote     the    Transformational
                      Online  Education.  The  development  of   Development  of  Open  Universities.
                      online education is conducive to building   Upon entering the new era, the Chinese
                      a  networked,  digital,  personalised     government  paid  great  attention  to
                      lifelong  education  system.    In  January   improving open universities and boosting
                      2014,  the  State  Council  revoked  the   the construction of a learning society. In
                      right   of   education   administrative   January 2016, the Ministry of Education
                      authorities  to  examine  and  approve    issued Opinions on Successfully Running
                      online  education,  allowing  institutions   Open Universities.  In August 2020, the
                      of  higher  learning  with  adequate      Ministry  of  Education  reviewed  and
                      conditions  and  qualifications  to  offer   passed the OUC Comprehensive Reform
                      degree  continuing  education  over  the   Plan to strengthen the OUC educational
                      internet.  In  September  2019,  with     system.  China  will  take  effective
                      the  approval  of  the  State  Council,  11   measures  to  provide  the  OUC  with
                      departments  including  the  Ministry  of   more educational support by enhancing
                      Education jointly issued Guiding Opinions   organizational  leadership,  improving
                      on Promoting the Healthy Development      policy  systems,  improving  fund  input
                      of Online Education, which proposed the   mechanisms,     and     strengthening
                      promotion  of  the  healthy  development   communication  and  guidance.  Efforts
                      of  online  education  by  adhering  to  the   will  be  made  to  promote  the  OUC  to
                      basic  principles  of  “people-centred    realise  its  predetermined  development
                      cultivation,”  “reform  and  innovation,”   goal in 2025 by reforming and optimising
                      “fusion  and  integration,”  and  “multi-  the  systems  and  mechanisms  of  open
                      entity  governance.”    By  2022,  modern   education. The OUC will become a major
                      information  technology  will  have  been   platform for lifelong education in China,
                      further  integrated  into  education,     a  major  platform  for  online  education,
                      the  quality  of  online  education  will   a  platform  for  flexible  education  and
                      have  been  enhanced,  a  resource  and   foreign  cooperation,  a  prominent  force
                      service  standard  system  will  have     serving  lifelong  education  for  all,  and
                      been  established,  the  development      a  powerful  bolster  to  a  highly-skilled
                      environment  will  have  been  improved,   society.
                      and  the  governance  system  will
                      have  been  completed.  As  a  result,  a   •  Standardize  the Establishment  of
                      networked, digital, personalised lifelong   Majors  for  Higher  Degree  Continuing
                      education system will have taken shape    Education.   During   the   long-term
                      and major progress will have been made    development  process  of  open  and
                      in the construction of a learning society.  distance education in China, a diversified
                                                                pattern  of  higher  degree  continuing
                                                                education jointly run by multiple entities
                                                                has  emerged.  These  entities  include

                  The Open University of China (OUC)
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