Page 109 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  89

               3.  Stage Three: Individualized  and          can also join in activities such as forum
                   Smart Learning                            interaction, wiki creation, questionnaires
                   Due  to  technological  development       and surveys, ballots, and peer evaluation.
                   bottlenecks, early learning management    With  the  support  of  various  types
                   systems  were  dominated  by  one-way     of   activities,   interaction   between
                   information  output.  The  interaction    teachers  and  students  and  between
                   between learners and teachers, as well    students  themselves  have  both  been
                   as  the  interaction  between  learners   strengthened.
                   were largely ignored. Learners also had
                   little  access  to  individualized  support.    Figure 3
                   With  the  arrival  of  Web  3.0,  learning   Learning Web Page of the OUC Learning
                   management  is  also  becoming  more      Network
                   intelligent.  Supported  by  big  data  and
                   learning  analysis  technology,  now,
                   learning  management  systems  can
                   evaluate  learners’  learning  status  by
                   collecting and analyzing their features and
                   behavioral data, and make corresponding
                   proposals  or  pushing  out  relevant
                   resources.  Teachers,  the  other  subject
                   of the learning management system, can
                   also identify students’ existing problems
                   and  adjust  their  teaching  strategies  in
                   line  with  the  learning  dashboard  data
                   provided  by  the  system  (Yuan  et  al.,   A review of the development of the open
                   2014).                                    and  distance  education  and  teaching
                                                             system in China from the perspective of
                   Take  the  OUC’s  learning  management    technology  shows  that  the  innovative
                   system  as  an  example  (as  shown  in   application of technology has played an
                   Figure  4-1).  This  learning  management   essential  role  in  updating  the  teaching
                   system  was  established on  the  basis  of   system.  At  the  same  time,  more  and
                   existing  open-source  platform  Moodle.   more  attention  has  been  paid  to  a
                   It  supports  course  development  under   learner-centered  philosophy,  which  is
                   the  guidance  of  the  theory  of  social   manifested  in  multiple  practical  ways
                   constructivism.  Teachers  can  arrange   during the course of the development of
                   teaching contents and develop learning    the teaching system.
                   activities according to the characteristics
                   of the courses and the need for learning.
                   In addition to studying course contents
                   and  completing  assignments,  learners

                                                                      The Open University of China (OUC)
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