Page 112 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 112

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  Exploration of A Credit Bank and           qualifications by building a unified framework
                  Qualification Framework                    and formulating capacity standards.
                  The credit bank and qualification framework
                  play  a  vital  role  in  achieving  a  connection  Distance Education Poverty Alleviation
                  between  formal  education  and  informal  Projects
                  education  by  recognizing  various  kinds  of   Distance  education,  as  a  form  of  highly
                  education and evaluating all kinds of results,   costed-effective  cross-regional  teaching,
                  which  will  create  a  path  to  continuing   plays a significant role in poverty alleviation
                  education and lifelong learning for all.   through  education.    The  OUC  has  carried
                  In 2012, the Ministry of Education entrusted   out  a  series  of  poverty  alleviation  projects
                  the  OUC  to  carry  out  the  Research  and   through  distance  education.  These  projects
                  Practice  of  the  Accreditation,  Accumulation   have helped to compensate for the shortage
                  and  Transfer  System  of  Learning  Results   of  educational  resources  in  the  less-
                  for  National  Continuing  Education  project,   developed areas and offered support for local
                  and  formally  launched  the  exploration   economic and social development. The OUC
                  (Yang, 2017) of China’s credit bank system.   launched  the  Long  March  Belt  Educational
                  Subsequently, many other areas also started   Project  Targeted  at  Alleviating  Poverty  in
                  the construction of the credit bank, and the   April 2017. With RMB 120 million of funding
                  OUC system credit bank and the local credit   raised,  the  OUC  planned  to  spend  four
                  banks  developed  in  parallel.  In  November   years  implementing  degree  education  and
                  2017, the OUC learning platform Credit Bank   non-degree  education  projects,  as  well  as
                  Online was officially launched (Huang, 2017).   projects funding infrastructure construction,
                  During the same period, 70 sub-centers for   in  25  national  poverty-stricken  counties
                  learning  achievement  accreditation  were   in  12  provinces,  autonomous  regions,  and
                  established in 31 provinces and 20 industries   municipalities  under  the  direct  jurisdiction
                  across the country and credit bank accounts   of the central government along the route of
                  were opened for nearly 4.8 million learners   the Long March. (Wang, 2018). By December
                  (Huang, 2017).                             2018, the OUC had invested RMB 24 million
                                                             with 25,031 direct beneficiaries (Li & Shao,
                  Research  on  credit  bank  construction  has   2019).
                  laid  a  foundation  for  the  exploration  of  a
                  qualification framework system. In 2018, the   The OUC has also given long-term labor and
                  Ministry of Education once again entrusted   skills trainings to primary and middle school
                  the  OUC  to  complete  a  project  with  the   teachers  in  poverty-stricken  areas,  funded
                  theme  “Research  on  the  Construction  of   the  construction  of  “cloud  classrooms”  in
                  a  National  Credit  Bank  and  Qualification   local study centers through the “One College
                  Framework.” This project is dedicated to the   Student  per  Village”  program,  and  offered
                  design of a Chinese qualification framework   assistance to the “Three Regions and Three
                  based on international comparisons that can   Prefectures.”
                  achieve the coordination and management of

                  The Open University of China (OUC)
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