Page 108 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 108

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                      programs  couldn’t  be  played  back  and   to approach the content of the teaching
                      it was necessary for learners to arrange   materials  from  several  perspectives
                      their time in line with the programs lists,   (Zhang et al., 2017).
                      the advantages of this method lay in its
                      rapid spread and wide coverage.           Secondly,  regarding  the  storage  and
                                                                transmission  of  learning  resources,
                      The  second  was  audio  and  video       computer  storage  gradually  took  the
                      recordings  sent  to  learners.  These    place of audio and video tapes, making
                      were  usually  TV  programs  made  by     it more convenient to store and deliver
                      local  teaching  centers  through  satellite   information and teaching resources.  The
                      reception teaching institutions. Learners   online  delivery  of  teaching  resources
                      listened  to  or  watched  the  programs   gradually  became  the  mainstream
                      with  the  help  of  broadcasting  devices.   thanks  to  the  development  of  online
                      The  advantages  of  this  method  lay  in   technology  and  the  improvement  of
                      the repeated use of teaching resources,   related infrastructure.
                      and  so  that  learners  could  study  more
                      flexibly.                                 Lastly,  the  emergence  of  learning
                                                                management      systems    thoroughly
                  2.  Stage Two: Multimedia and Digital         changed the distance education learning
                      Learning                                  environment  from  the  perspective  of
                      At the end of the 1990s, the growing use   the  organization  and  management  of
                      of computers and network technology in    learning  activities.  With  the  support
                      the field of education promoted the digital   of  learning  management  systems,  all
                      transformation  of  open  and  distance   learning  activities  can  be  completed
                      education in China. The teaching system   virtually.   The      teacher-student
                      developed in new directions in terms of   relationship has been reconstructed, and
                      the design, development, and storage of   the autonomy and flexibility of learning
                      learning resources and the organization   has been enhanced. Teaching institutions
                      and management of learning activities.    have made corresponding changes in the
                                                                design of course resources and learning
                      Firstly,  in  terms  of  the  design  and   activities  in  line  with  the  properties  of
                      development  of  learning  resources.     online learning.
                      learning  resources  integrated  a  wider
                      range  of  media  and  became  more
                      interactive.  For  example,  the  digital
                      teaching materials launched by the OUC
                      integrate  multimedia  resources  and
                      include multiple functions such as content
                      searching, learning process records, and
                      tests and exercises, encouraging learners

                  The Open University of China (OUC)
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