Page 47 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 47

                                 The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
                                   “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
                                                       ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
                                                          Universitas Terbuka
          purchased by the public [1]. According to the Central Statistics Agency
          (BPS), the CPI is an index that calculates the average price change of
          a  set  of  goods  and  services  consumed  by  the  population  within  a
          certain period. During the last three years, BPS recorded that the CPI
          value in each month tends to increase and was recorded in December
          2019  of  139.07.  Changes  in  the  CPI  value  from  time  to  time  can
          describe the level of price increase (inflation) and the level of price
          decline (deflation) [2]. The higher the CPI value, the faster the inflation
          rate [3]. Therefore, information is needed that can describe the state
          of the CPI. One thing that can be done is forecasting or estimating the
          CPI figure for several periods in the future.
          Forecasting  is  an  accurate  calculation  in  determining  the  future  by
          using  past  data [1][4]. One of the forecasting  methods that can be
          used is GARCH method. The GARCH model has been widely used to
          describe the volatility behaviour of a financial time series, especially
          on stock and currency exchange data [5].
          There were several previous studies that used the GARCH method,
          including  those  conducted  by  Nella  Angraeny  [6],  which  conducted
          research on the value of exports in Indonesia from January 2009 to
          April  2019  and  the  results  obtained  were  ARIMA  (1,1,2)  and
          GARCH(1,3) models. A similar study was also conducted by Aisyah
          Muhayani  [7],  namely  by  comparing  APARCH,  E-GARCH  and  T-
          GARCH in forecasting world gold prices, and the results of the study
          that the most optimal method is E-GARCH with a MAPE value of 4.66.
          another study was conducted by Anbiya, W., and Garin, F.C. [8]. This
          study  discusses  the  Application  of  GARCH  Forecasting  Method  in
          Predicting the Number of Rail Passengers (Thousands of People) in
          Jabodetabek Region. In this study, the best model was ARIMA (1,1,1)
          with an AIC value of 2,159.87 and the best model GARCH (1,1) with
          an  AIC  value  of  18,314.  Referring  to  these  problems  and  several
          existing literature studies, the purpose of this study is to predict the
          value of the Consumer Price Index in the future using the GARCH

          26                           ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
                    International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
                                                         Towards Society 5.0
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