Page 38 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 38

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
                   Single  Exponential  Smoothing  calculation  can  be  written  in
                   Equation 1, where Ft+1 = Forecast for period t+1, Xt = Real value
                   of period-t, α = The weight representing the smoothing constant
                   (0< α<1), Ft-1 = forecast for period t-1

                             +1  =      + (1 −   )     −1                             (1)

               2.3 Forecasting Error Measurement
               Measurement of forecasting errors is done by comparing the results
               of forecasting with the reality that happened. A model is said to have
               good  and  accurate  forecasting  results  if  it  generates  a  small  error
               value [14]. The equation formula for finding the MAPE error value is in
               Equation 2, where    = Actual data in period-t,     = Forecasting data in
               period-t,    = Number of data used.

                                       1      |      −      |
                               MAPE =  ∑    =1     100%                       (2)

               3     RESULT
               3.1   Descriptive Analysis
               Based on Figure. 1, Indonesia's gold jewellery demand in 2010-2020,
               where the highest demand was in 2018 with a value of 41.9 tons, an
               increase of 3.3 tons from the previous year (in 2017). According to
               data from the world gold council, Indonesia's gold demand in 2018
               was ranked 6th as the country with the world's largest gold demand
               after Russia. Meanwhile, the lowest gold demand occurred in 2020,
               which was 20.9 tons. According to data from the World Gold Council,
               the decline in demand for gold in the jewellery sector experienced a
               significant decline in the 1st quarter of 2020. The decline in demand
               for gold jewellery in 2020 is not only in Indonesia but also in several
               other countries. This is because local gold prices have skyrocketed so
               that consumers are unable to absorb the existing supply of jewellery.
               And the main reason is the Covid-19 pandemic [15].

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia             17
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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