Page 35 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 35

                                 The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
                                   “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
                                                       ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
                                                          Universitas Terbuka
          1    INTRODUCTION
          Forecasting is an activity with the aim of predicting what will happen
          in the future [1][2]. There  are several forecasting methods such as
          Moving Average (MA), Exponential Smoothing (ES), Autoregressive
          Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) to Random Forest (RF). Single
          Exponential  Smoothing  method  is  a  method  used  in  short-term
          forecasting  by  assuming  that  the  data  fluctuates  around  a  fixed
          average  value  without  a  trend  or  consistent  growth  pattern  [3].
          Random forest was first introduced by Breiman in 2001, the Random
          Forest method works by building a model using several decision trees
          at random and combining the predictions of each tree to get prediction
          results. Random Forest is a forecasting method that does not require
          any assumptions [4].
          This forecasting method can be applied in various fields, one of which
          is the economic field, namely, to find out future gold demand. Gold is
          a precious metal that is in high demand, both for investment and as
          jewellery [5]. Gold has many enthusiasts because the value of gold
          tends to be stable, easy to reach, easy to melt and of course promises
          quite  large  profits,  especially  in  Indonesia.  Indonesia  is  one  of  the
          countries in Southeast Asia that is included in the category of high
          demand for gold. This is evidenced based on data from the World Gold
          Council  (WGC)  that  demand  for  gold  jewellery  in  Indonesia  in  the
          fourth quarter of 2015 experienced an annual growth of 16.88% from
          7.7 tons to 9 tons. Throughout 2015, the demand figure reached 38.9
          tons  [6].  From  2016  to  2019,  the  demand  for  gold  in  Indonesian
          jewellery continues to increase.
          There are several previous studies that used the Random Forest and
          Single Exponential Smoothing methods for forecasting, some of which
          were  carried  out  by  Setyowati  [7]  namely  comparing  Exponential
          Smoothing  and  Moving  Average  methods  to  predict  motor  vehicle
          testing levies. The result of this study is that the Single Exponential
          Smoothing  method  is  better  used  in  predicting  the  retribution  for
          testing motor vehicles with a MAPE value of 0.12%. Other research
          was also conducted  by Supriyanto  [8] namely comparing the KNN,

          14                           ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
                    International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
                                                         Towards Society 5.0
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