Page 187 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 187

                                 The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
                                   “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
                                                       ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
                                                          Universitas Terbuka

                   Table 2. Findings of Platform Usage Expertise.
                 Skills            Requirements or Stages required
           Leadership          Can  manage  the  platform  as  well  as
                               possible  and  know  the  stages  that  will  be
                               carried  out  in  the  process  of  using  the
                               platform against him.
           Basic  knowledge  in  Mastery of the basics of the platform from
           using the platform   logging in to the platform to effectiveness in
                               its use.
           Commodity Mastery   Understanding  superior  commodities  to
                               support  the  quality  of  the  commodities
           Able  to  download  The Gokomodo platform can be installed on
           and install platform   a computer or mobile phone (smartphone)
                               before use.
           Able to fill in the data  The Gokomodo platform can be filled with
           required   by   the  the required data
           Able  to  select  and  The Gokomodo platform can be used and
           use platform features  can  take  advantage  of  the  available
          Source: Processed by Researchers (2022)

          Based on Table. 2, in order for the platform to be used, skills related
          to entrepreneurship or business are needed which include leadership,
          then basic knowledge of using the platform that must be possessed,
          mastering  commodities.  Also,  with  the  use  of  the  platform  on  a
          computer or smartphone which includes the ability to download and
          install applications, correctly fill in personal data and select and use
          platform features. The Digital Supply Chain System Platform, namely
          Gokomodo  as  a  partner,  is  devoted  to  company  owners  and
          individuals who own commodities. In addition, in using the platform,
          users simply follow the steps instructed on the platform. The platform

          164                          ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
                    International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
                                                         Towards Society 5.0
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