Page 184 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 184

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               shops. farmer. Even so, in the midst of high potential and demand, the
               supply  chain  system  in  the  agricultural  sector  is  still  conventional.
               Whereas the use of digital technology in the agricultural sector can
               make  a  positive  contribution  to  agricultural  actors  and  increase
               economic output to Rp 94,864 trillion or US$ 6.6 billion per year.
               The  obstacles  that  often  occur  in  manual  activities  are;  First,  the
               approval and payment process takes a long time. Second, the use of
               physical documents changes to an inefficient process. Third, the lack
               of data transparency can trigger business losses. Fourth, the manual
               process takes a considerable amount  of time. Fifth,  the  mistake of
               choosing  an  inappropriate  vendor.  "On  this  basis,  Gokomodo  (Go-
               Commodity Order Online) exists as a digital solution that aims to help
               encourage  the  agriculture  sector,  including  the  plantation  and
               Indonesian  commodity  sub-sector,"  said  Gokomodo's  Comercial
               Corporate, Arif Dharmawanto in the wabinar "Choosing the Right Plant
               Protection Materials Responding to Dynamics Prices of Fertilizers and
               Pesticides”  organized  by  Plantation  Media  [6].  To  promote  the
               success of “Accelerating Sustainable Innovation towards Society 5.0”,
               almost  all  performance  is  carried  out  digitally,  including  in  the
               plantation commodity sector, one of which is in the oil palm plantation
               sub-sector.  Digitalization  is  carried  out  to  increase  competitiveness
               and efficiency so that it has an impact on increasing the economy.
               Furthermore,  Indonesia  currently  has  42.3  million  hectares  of
               agriculture,  of  which  around  16  million  hectares  are  oil  palm
               plantations  with  a  market  potential  of  US$  30  billion  and  is
               accompanied  by  around  2,000  plantation  companies,  33  million
               farmers, 200,000 farmer associations, village unit cooperatives and
               shops. farmer. Even so, in the midst of high potential and demand, the
               supply  chain  system  in  the  agricultural  sector  is  still  conventional.
               Whereas the use of digital technology in the agricultural sector can
               make  a  positive  contribution  to  agricultural  actors  and  increase
               economic output to Rp 94,864 trillion or US$ 6.6 billion per year. The
               obstacles that often occur in manual activities are first, the approval
               and payment process take a long time; second, the use of physical

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia            161
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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