Page 186 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 186

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               tools used and the proper and correct way of managing the platform,
               so that this platform can be used as it functions.
               3.2.   Principles of Using Gokomodo
               As an alternative to empowering users as well as platform developers,
               it  is  seen  that  the  use  of  e-commerce  and  e-procurement  for
               agribusiness products is mainly as a medium for marketing, supply,
               communication, and information. This utilization is very influential on
               the  effectiveness  and  efficiency  of  the  work  process,  if  carried  out
               intensively  and  maximally.  So,  it  takes  a  leadership  attitude,  basic
               knowledge  in  using  digital  platforms,  mastering  the  commodities
               owned, and filling in the data needed by the platform.
               3.2.1.  Platform Requirements
               After  further exploration, the use  of  the platform is
               specifically  for  companies  and  actors  who  have  commodities  and
               special  requirements  needed,  such  as  the  Company's  Full  Name,
               Company Telephone Number, List of Subsidiaries, Departments, and
               Company logos. Not only that, but users are also asked to fill in the
               location  of  the  company  which  includes  the  Head  Office  Address,
               Subsidiary Address and Warehouse Address. After the data has been
               collected,  the  next  step  is  to  register  an  account  by  including  the
               Account Holder Name, Account Holder Position, Email Address and
               telephone number. And the most important thing is to include official
               documents  such  as  Deed  of  Business  Establishment,  Business
               License  Number,  Taxpayer  Identification  Number,  Taxable
               Entrepreneur, Trade Business Permit, Company Domicile Certificate,
               Taxable  Entrepreneur  Confirmation  Letter,  so  that  the  Gokomodo
               platform can be used.
               3.2.2.  Skills in Using the Platform
               Next on the menu selection which requires the ability to understand
               each menu on the existing user interface. According to Lastiansah and
               Sena [13], this includes the accuracy of the data platform needs so
               that the platform used can be in accordance with its designation.

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia            163
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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