Page 183 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 183

                                 The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
                                   “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
                                                       ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
                                                          Universitas Terbuka

          To date, Gokomodo has more than 3,000 companies in its ecosystem
          including major agribusiness companies in Indonesia such as Sinar
          Mas, First Resources, and Sampoerna Agro. The target users of this
          application  are  company  managers  who  have  the  following
          competencies, have leadership qualities, are able to operate platforms
          and have knowledge related to commodities.
          In the application, you can find out step by step what needs to be done
          such as creating a company, there are also features of the number of
          requests, procurement processes, total tenders, confirmation of total
          purchases  and  request  features  that  are  connected  with  other
          suppliers. Gokomodo's various eProcurement features aim to create
          transparency and ease in the procurement process for the agricultural
          In addition, the entire history of procurement activities will be stored
          digitally by Gokomodo so  that it can be accessed again if needed.
          Based on observations and platform trials, it can be mapped that the
          use  of  the  Gokomodo  application  also  requires  digital  literacy.
          Especially the introduction of the application and its use. The first is
          an understanding of access to apps, which includes an introduction to
          official apps and how to download and install apps. The second relates
          to account creation, including understanding of app logins that require
          verification and access to personal or company data.
          3.1.   Advantages  and  Disadvantages  of  the  Gokomodo
          To  promote  the  success  of  “Accelerating  Sustainable  Innovation
          towards Society 5.0”, almost all performance is carried out digitally,
          including in the plantation commodity sector, one of which is in the oil
          palm  plantation  sub-sector.  Digitalization  is  carried  out  to  increase
          competitiveness and efficiency so that it has an impact on increasing
          the  economy.  Furthermore,  Indonesia  currently  has  42.3  million
          hectares  of  agriculture, of  which around 16 million hectares are oil
          palm  plantations  with  a  market  potential  of  US$  30  billion  and  is
          accompanied  by  around  2,000  plantation  companies,  33  million
          farmers, 200,000 farmer associations, village unit cooperatives and
          160                          ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
                    International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
                                                         Towards Society 5.0
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