Page 192 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 192

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               1  INTRODUCTION
               Entrepreneurship is an important concern in the economy of a nation.
               The progress or decline of a nation is determined by the presence of
               entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is a driving force for the economic
               growth of a nation. Casson et al., [1] mentions that entrepreneurship
               and  economic  growth  have  a  very  close  and  positive  relationship
               where an increase in the number of entrepreneurs causes an increase
               in a country's economic growth. Entrepreneurship is one of the main
               things and as a force behind economic development. The agricultural
               sector  is  still  the  mainstay  of  government  programs  to  improve
               people's welfare. Farmers as farm owners who make decisions about
               changes  or  innovations  that  are  recommended  for  their  farming.
               Furthermore, Mosher [3] reveals that farmers make decisions based
               on the interests of their families and in the influence of their family
               members  on  themselves,  because  of  the  family's  dependence  on
               farming  products,  family  members  may  pressure  farmers  to  make
               certain decisions or carry out certain techniques. This shows that the
               decision-making process of farmers is  not carried out by their own
               thoughts,  but  there  are  factors  that  influence  decisions  on  their
               farming. Decision-making factors on the performance of their farms
               are  supported  by  internal  and  external  factors.  So,  entrepreneurial
               behaviour is  needed so  that farmers are motivated to increase  the
               quantity and quality of products produced from their farms [7].
               Coffee is one of the trade commodities of the plantation sub-sector
               that has the opportunity to be developed in the context of increasing
               state income and increasing the income of entrepreneurs and farmers.
               The development of coffee in Indonesia began in the 1960s, in the
               form of smallholder plantations. Coffee is also one of the eight main
               plantation commodities which has a large area and is a very promising
               export  commodity,  where  only  two  types  of  coffee  are  widely
               cultivated, namely Robusta coffee which controls the majority of coffee
               growing  in  Indonesia  and  Arabica  coffee.  As  one  of  the  important
               export commodities, coffee is expected to be able to provide added
               value to foreign exchange earnings both for the country in general and

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia            169
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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