Page 194 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 194

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               (53.33%),  100%  of  land  ownership  is  privately  owned,  most  of  the
               farmers'  land  area  is  between  2,000-5,000  m2  (50%),  farmers'
               incomes  are  mostly  around  Rp.  2,000,000-3,0000.00  (43.3%),
               farmers' internet access time to find information about coffee is mostly
               around 1 hour/day (80%). The age of the respondent is one of the
               factors that influence the activities of farmers in doing farming and can
               be  used  as  an  indicator  of  whether  or  not  farmers  are  productive.
               Based on the results of the study, it was found that the average age
               of the respondent farmers was 40 years. Thus, most of these farmer
               respondents are of productive age. According to Rusli [5], a person's
               productive age ranges from 15-64 years.
               Farmer education  level is  the number of years the respondent  has
               undergone formal education. Based on the results of the study, it was
               found that the largest number of respondent farmers were at the level
               of  High  School  Education  (SMA)  as  many  as  16  respondents
               (53.33%). The length of time being a farmer is one of the descriptions
               of the  ability of farmers to do farming.  Based on the results  of the
               study, it was found that on average they are landowners and have
               been farming and have been in the membership of farmer groups for
               5 years. This shows that the respondent farmers have had enough
               experience  in  farming.  The  area  of  agricultural  land  is  one  of  the
               factors that affects the size of the amount of production and affects the
               income that will be obtained by farmers. Based on the results of the
               study, it was found that the average coffee farmer has a land area of
               0.5 hectares as many as 30 people who are included in the narrow
               classification [6]. The use of the internet by farmers to find information
               about  coffee  is  mostly  around  1  hour/day  (80%).  This  influences
               increasing the knowledge of farmers about coffee.

               3.1   Production Quantity
               The  results  of  the  questionnaire  from  the  perception  of  the
               Barongmulya Farmer Group regarding the amount of production to the
               level of income are mostly in agreement (88.3%).

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia            171
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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