Page 35 - Universitas Terbuka : Mencapai Visi Melalui Good Corporate Governance
P. 35

lmplementasi Good Governance dan  TQM di  Universitas  Terbuka

                               "Corporate governance is the set of processes,  customs, policies,  laws and institutions
                               affecting the way a corporation is  directed,  administered or controlled.  Corporate governance
                               also includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals  for  which
                               the corporation is  governed.  The principal stakeholders are the shareholders,  management
                               and the board of directors.  Other stakeholders include employees, suppliers, customers, banks
                               and other lenders,  regulators,  the environment and the community at large.  diunduh dari
                     !Corporate  governance  (11  ]uni  2008)
                               v  Harvard Business Review on Corporate Governance,  Boston,  Harvard Business School
                               Publishing,  2000. p.  2.
                               "David Osborne dan  Ted Gaebler dalam  Reinventing Government (terjemahan), Jakarta,
                               Pustaka  Binaman Pressindo,  1995.  Hal. 13.
                               "' Birokrasi di sini  disamakan pengertian seperti government dan public administration.
                               "" H.  George Fredericson,  The Spirit of Public Administration, San  Fransisco,  ]ossey Bass
                               Publishers,  7  997.p.  80.
                               " H.  George Fredericson,  The Spirit of Public Administration,  San  Fransisco,  ]ossey Bass
                               Publishers,  1997.p.  83.
                               'Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10 ed), Springfield,  Merriam  Webster Inc,  1994.
                               "  Mengacu pada pengertian organisasi menurut Stephen P Robbins, organization is a
                               conscious coordinated social unit,  composed of two or more people, that functions on a
                               relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.  Stephen P Robbins and
                               Timothy A. Judge,  Organizational Behavior,  12ed,  New Jersey,  Pearson  Education,  2007.
                               "' Good Governance diunduh dari  _governance
                               "" =  GoodGovernance&op =detail_  artikel&id- 4
                               '"Good Governance diunduh dari  governance
                               "/wan Darmansjah,  MD,  Creating Good Governance di unduh dari-
                               http://www. iwandarmansjah. web. idlmiscellaneous.php?id  =  288
                               "'Diadopsi dan dikembangkan dari bacaan yang diunduh dari:
                       =  booklet-12.htm
                               rn•  Prinsip kesepu/uh ini ditambahkan oleh penulis.  Para  pemerhati good governance memiliki
                               rumusan sendiri-sendiri tentang prinsip-prinsip good governance, namun tidak mengubah
                               esensi dari makna good governance.
                               '"''  Heller,  J.F.,  Increasing  Faculty  and Administrative  Effectiveness,  San  Fransisco,  Jossey
                                         Bass  Inc.,  1982.p.1.
                               '" Knezevich, J.S.,  Administration of Public Education: A Source Book for The  Leadership and
                                         Management  of Educational  Institutions  (4 h  edition),  New  York,  Harper  and
                                         Row Pub.,  1984.p.411.
                               "  Heller, J.F.,  Increasing Faculty and Administrative Effectiveness,  San  Fransisco, jossey Bass
                               Inc.,  1982.p.1.p.8-10
                               "'  Moore M.G., and  Kearsley G.,  Distance Education: A systems  View,  Belmont,  Wadsworth
                               Pub. Company., 1996.p.6.
                               "''Moore M.G., and  Kearsley G., Distance Education: A systems  View,  Belmont,  Wadsworth
                               Pub.  Company .,  1996.p.175.
                               "'''Moore M.G., and  Kearsley G., Distance Education: A systems  View,  Belmont,  Wadsworth
                               Pub. Company.,  1996.p.104-107.
                               "" Daniel, J.5.,  Mega-Universities  and Knowledge  Media;  Technology  Strategies  for  Higher
                                        Education,  London,  Kogan  Page  Ltd., 1996.p.40.
                               "' Daniel,  J.5.,  Mega-Universities  and Knowledge  Media;  Technology  Strategies  for  Higher
                                        Education,  London,  Kogan  Page  Ltd., 1996.p.139.
                               m•  Daniel, J.5.,  Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media; Technology Strategies for Higher
                               Education,  London,  Kogan  Page  Ltd.,1996.p.157.
                               '"" Morrison dalam  Verduin Jr.  J.R.,  and  Clark  T.A.,  Distance Education:  The  Foundations of
                               Effective  Practice,  San  Francisco, Jossey Bass  Pub.,  1991.p.202.

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