Page 194 - Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Di Era Digital: Pemikiran, Permodelan, Dan Praktik Baik
P. 194

Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi di Era Digital: Pemikiran, Permodelan dan Praktek Baik  181


                                             = 0.124
                                           t   = 2.49

                   SERVICE                                        =  0,481
                     QUALITY                                    t   = 7,329

                                             = 0.013
                                           t   =0.285


                                Figure 2. Structural Equation Model

                                 Table 1. Hyphotesis Testing Result

                    Path Coefficient   Result   R Square   t   table    Conclusion
                Service   quality      0.124   1.54%   2.49   1,96   Significant
                perceived satisfaction                             (Accept)
                Service   quality      0.013   0,0169%   0,258   1,96   Not Significant
                intention to use                                   (Not accepted)
                Perceived  service     0.481   23,14%   7.239   1,96   Significant
                intention to use                                   (Hypothesis

               1.  This  study  successfully  proved  that  the  service  quality  significantly
                   influenced  the  perceived  satisfaction.  Service  quality  that  shows  how
                   UT instructors provide feedback, respond and always provide solutions
                   to  the  problems  students  can  significantly  affect  the  perceived
                   satisfaction. It means that service quality can affect the satisfaction of
                   MOOCs-UT participants which is represented by the perceived benefit
                   of helping to increase knowledge, provide online learning experiences
                   and instructor-responsive support at the time of interaction.
               2.  Service  quality  did  not  significantly  influence  the  intention  to  use
                   Tutorial-UT. This finding indicates that the service quality that showed
                   how  instructors  provide  feedback,  respond  and  always  provide
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