Page 192 - Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Di Era Digital: Pemikiran, Permodelan, Dan Praktik Baik
P. 192

Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi di Era Digital: Pemikiran, Permodelan dan Praktek Baik  179

                   Based on above explanation, it can be concluded that delivering quality
               of  MOOCs  require  different  approaches  with  more  emphasize  on
               enhancement  quality  rather  than  quality  assurance.  This  approach  is  the
               best  in  creating  learning  experience.  Ideally,  MOOCs  can  provide  better
               learning  experience  to  their  students  and  improve  students  learning
               performance. Enhancing MOOCs quality needs a time it all depends on the
               aim  of  every  institution  in  offering  MOOCs  to  the  community.  The  most
               importing thing is that quality is a main part for MOOCs sustainability.


                   The quality of MOOCs remains a challenge for Universitas Terbuka (UT).
               UT  which  launched  MOOCs  on  March  20,  2014  was  managed  to  attract
               3,027 participants. Participants’ positive response was due to a unique  “e-
               learning  experience”  obtained  whereas  they  do  not  necessarily  have  to
               register in acquiring learning experience in college and only need to access
               through  internet.  Until  then,  UT’s  MOOCs  was  well-appreciated  by  the
               society. Courses offered in MOOCs increased by 6 programs, namely : Asian
               studies,  Parenting,  Public  Speaking,  Distance  Learning,  Introduction
               MOODLE 2.9 and Marketing Management.
                   The most important consideration for UT to enhance quality is that how
               MOOCs have to be an effective tool for achieving educational outcome. It
               means that sustainability of MOOCs really depends on providing benefit for
               the  participants.  Outcome  learning  is  the  most  important  aspect  in
               implementing  MOOCs  (Walker  and  Loch,  2014).    It  means,  learning
               effectiveness  is  the    main    goal  for  the  institution.  Some  European
               universities  offer  a  quality  framework  for  MOOCs  based  on  8  principles
               (Creelman  and  Ehlers,  2014):  openness  to  learners,  digital  openness,
               learner-centered  approach,  independent  learning,  media-supported
               interaction,  recognition  option,  quality  focus  and  spectrum  diversity.
               Regarding  these  indicators,  a  question  arises  whether  MOOCs  offered  by
               different institutions have refferred to these indicators.
                   This  study  attempted  to  assess  MOOCs  quality  from  service  quality
               aspect. Service quality can give satisfaction which will impact to the will to
               keep participating actively in MOOC programs of UT as well as recommend
               the programs to other people. This satisfaction perceived by the participants
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