Page 189 - Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Di Era Digital: Pemikiran, Permodelan, Dan Praktik Baik
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176  Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi di Era Digital: Pemikiran, Permodelan dan Praktek Baik

        partipants). Jordan (2014) reported that less than 7% of MOOCs participants
        completed their program, and from 58 % of students who actually planned
        to  complete  course,  only  22%  earned  certificate.  Walker  and  Lock  (2014)
        acknowledged that MOOCs have high withdraw/dropout rates, the highest
        completion  rates  achieved  was  19,2%  and  the  majority  of  MOOCs
        completion rate is less than 10% (Meyer, 2012).  Furthermore, Onah (2014)
        also stated that although many thousands of participants enroll this course,
        the completion rate for most courses is below 13%.
            The high level of dropout of MOOCs indicates that improvements need
        to be made in pedagogical and quality level. Low completion rate of MOOCs
        indicates that educational process that is only up to a level of exposure to
        content  (broadband  internet)  cannot  reach  the  stage  of  learning  content
        and verify that the content has been learned (James, 2015).  Based on an
        empirical  research,  Walker  and  Loch  (2014:  58)  found  that  “...a  common
        complaint was dissatisfied with material was just transferred directly from
        an  on  campus  course,  with  no  thought  to  the  online  medium….”
        Furthermore,  Conole  (2014:  66)  stated  that  there  are  different  opinions
        which generate heated debate. The opinions are divided betwen the value
        and  the  importance  of  MOOCs,  some  said  that  MOOCs  provide  opened
        access to education and hence foster social inclusion, some others cynically
        suggest  that  MOOCs  are  only  for  area  marketing  exercise,  more  about
        learning income not on learning outcomes. MOOC start-up does not appear
        to  have  clear  business  models.    Many  institutions  participating  in  MOOCs
        consider  the  courses  they  offer  as  branding  and  marketing  activities  at
        present. The important point is the phenomenally high drop rates (typically
        95-98%)  for  several  experts  is  not  seen  as  a  problem,  it  depends  on  the
        initial goal set by MOOCs. Stracke (2012) stated “if the aim is to give the
        opportunity of access to free and high-quality courses from elite universities
        and  professor,  then  high  dropout  rate  may  not  be  primary  concern.”
        However, it is widely agreed that it would be useful to improve retention
        rate  of  MOOCs  by  finding  out  why  and  at  what  stage  students  drop  out
            The problem of high level of dropout give a clue for the Open Distance
        Learning (ODL) policy maker to reconsider MOOCs. Adjustments are needed
        in order to strengthen the function of MOOCs platforms. Some adjustment
        must be considered on the importance of reassessing the conceptual and
        theoretical  condition  to  run  high  quality  MOOCs  before  entering  MOOCs
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