Page 190 - Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Di Era Digital: Pemikiran, Permodelan, Dan Praktik Baik
P. 190

Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi di Era Digital: Pemikiran, Permodelan dan Praktek Baik  177

               playground. The theme quality of MOOCs implementation becomes crucial
               especially on the learner point of view.  Learning experience in MOOCs is an
               outcome  that  can  be  achieved  by  participants  who  demonstrate  a
               behavioral  process.  Therefore,  a  study  on  behavioral  intention  of  MOOCs
               with the  antecedents of perceived satisfaction needs to be conducted. This
               study was conducted to participants of MOOCs of UT, intended to find out
               the effect of  service quality to perceived satisfaction as well as its impact on
               behavioral  intention.  This  study  can  be  used  as  a  significant  input  to
               enhance  MOOCs  quality  dan  can  be  used  as  a  basis  for    policy  maker  to
               reconsiderate the best method for sustainability of MOOCs. This paper will
               explain  three  important  points,  namely:  1)  MOOCs  Quality  Enhancement:
               The Importance of Creating Effective Learning Experience; 2) Assessment of
               Delivering  Quality  of  UT’s  MOOCs  Toward  Behavioral  Intention,  and  3)
               Future adjustment of MOOCs.


                   Uncertainty in enhancing learning effectiveness is likely due to quality
               assurance  of  MOOCs  that  is  not  optimally  applied  (Wong  et  al,  2014).
               According  to  Rosewel  and  Jansen  (2014),  implementing  quality  assurance
               still  become  big  problems,  for  example:  1)  the  backing  of  an  academic
               institution  in  offering  MOOCs,  2)  the  course  development  process,  3)
               instruction/teaching  and  learning,  4)  learner  supports  (availibality  of
               modules  and  video  materials),  4)  assessment.  According  to  Conole
               (2014:68),  quality  assurance  approach  puts  more  emphasize  on  several
               important  points,  namely:  teaching  as  individual  performance,
               monitoring/judgment,  the  teacher  as  individual  practitioner  and
               documentation. However, the challenge in quality of MOOCs is not only in
               assurance  level,  but  more  on  the  enhancement  of  the  quality  learner
               experience. This is the key issue that needs to be addressed if MOOCs are
               going to be valuable and viable learning experience and be sustainable in
               the  future.  So,  it  is  quality  enhancement  that  is  required  to  that  MOOCs
               provide  more  open-up  education,  and  better  quality  of  the  learner
                   Quality enhancement seems  to be   the best approach in  order to be
               able to learning experience to support lifelong learning. According to Conole
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