Page 195 - Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Di Era Digital: Pemikiran, Permodelan, Dan Praktik Baik
P. 195

182  Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi di Era Digital: Pemikiran, Permodelan dan Praktek Baik

            solutions to the problems of the participants did not affect the intention
            use. It means that service quality did not have an impact on some of the
            followings: unwilling to reuse MOOCs-UT, reluctant to recommend and
            encourage the other parties (friends) to use MOOCs-UT.
        3.    Perceived satisfaction strongly influenced on the intention to use. That
            is the satisfaction felt by MOOCs-UT participants, which is represented
            by  the  perceived  benefit  of  improving  knowledge,  providing  online
            learning  experience  and  is  responsive  instructor  support  during  the
            interaction, overall affected  on the intention to use. The intention to
            use in this study shows a desire to reuse MOOCs-UT, recommend and
            encourage others (friends) to use MOOCs-UT.

            The  important  finding  result  of  hypothesis  testing,  where  there  is  no
        influence between service quality and intention to use, indicates that overall
        the  service  quality  assessed  by  MOOCs-UT  participants  has  not  been
        optimal.  This  finding  indicates  that  the  function  of  the  instructors  as
        facilitators and course managers is not optimal. It means they have not been
        active  in  terms  of  providing  feedback,  responses  and  solutions  to  the
        problems the participants. Service quality that is not optimal often becomes
        the  cause  of  the  insignificant  effect  on  the  intention  to  use,  that  is  in
        notifying  the  positive  things  about  MOOCs-UT  and  reluctance  to  reuse
            Based  on  the  findings  mentioned  above,  there  are  some  suggestions
        that can be used to enhance the quality of MOOCs-UT, making a positive
        impact  in  supporting  the  learning  experiences  of  MOOCs-UT  participants
        1.  Encouraging  instructors  to  actively  interact  with  participants.
            Instructors  must  have  a  high  commitment  in  serving  participants  of
            MOOCs-UT.  There  needs  to  be  a  mechanism  for  evaluating  and
            monitoring  the  performance  of  the  instructor  whether  they  have
            carried out their duties properly.
        2.  Enhancing the quality of MOOCs-UT, namely: 1) the discussion forum is
            expected to have tutors to be active to present and communicate, real
            time interactive may be scheduled, 2) tests and tasks should be updated
            to be timelier in accordance with the time line made.
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