Page 171 - Pembelajaran Online (Edisi 2)
P. 171


                   …involve specific needs assessment, qualified experts, and
                   consideration of stakeholders’ interests, regular evaluation,
                   clear guidelines, and accommodation of individual students’
                   capacity  development.  Programs  are  designed  and
                   developed with the needs of learners, employers and society
                   in mind; to encourage access to quality education; and set
                   in place assessment methods effectively test and measure
                   students’ achievement of the stated learning outcomes of
                   the program appropriate to the aims and objectives of the
                   program.  (sumber:  AAOU  website  URL  http://aaou.upou.

               Area kualitas ini kemudian dijabarkan ke dalam lima (5) statement
               of best practices sebagai standar kualitas aspek tersebut (Tabel 7.1.).

                      Tabel 7.1. AAOU Statement of Best Practise Area Program
                                Design and Curriculum Development
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                 No.   Sub-Area       Statement of Best Practice

                  1.   Desain Program  Institusi merancang program-programnya
                                      berdasarkan kebutuhan pembelajar.

                                      Dalam merancang program, Institusi
                                      berkonsultasi pada pakar dan pemangku
                                      kepentingan lainnya.

                                      Institusi melakukan evaluasi program secara
                  2.   Pengembangan   Institusi memiliki pedoman yang jelas untuk
                       Kurikulum      pengembangan kurikulum.

                                      Dalam pengembangan kurikulum, institusi
                                      mempertimbangkan kapabilitas individual
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