Page 360 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 360

           Faculty     Courses       Level                                           Total
                                          Unti12002   2003   2004   2005   2006.1  2007.1

                  Mathematics Education   D3   683    38    44     28     11    10    814
                  Pancasila and Civic   D3   1.391
                  Education                          236    42     22    10     5    1.705
                  Economic and Cooperative
                                      D3     1.593   396    94     35    17     9    2.144
                  Akta IV            Akta   13.051   798    10                      13.859
                 Teaching Certificate   Akta   0     224   1.742   2.373   1.570   886   6.795
                  Indonesian Language
                                      51     2.457   601   381    199    118   101   3.857
                  English Language Education   51   3.707   399   238   185   80   78   4.687
                  Biology Education   51     2.460   378    112   130    51     52   3.183
                 Physic Education     51     1.467   156    117    72    48     39   1.899

                 Chemistry Education   51    2.277   103    71     59    26     28   2.564
                 Mathematics Education   51   2.551   225   241   180    62     71   3.330

                 Civic Education     51        0      0    432    276    42     45    795
                 Economic and Cooperative
                 Education           51        0      0    179    168    86     61    494
                 PGSM                51       342     0      0     0                  342

                 PGSD                51        0      0   2.060   5.790   5.203   423   13.476
                                                    48.23   23.64   22.46   19.42   616.11
                 FKIP Total                499.614                            2.741
                                                      0      4     3      7            9
           FMIPA   Environment Management   D1   165   15   12     14    10     4     220

                 Agricultural Extension   D3   3.577   2.377   779   225   54   28   7.040
                 Mathematics         51       135     17    12     14     6     8     192
                 Biology             51        0      0      0            1     1      2
                 Agricultural Extension and
                 Communication       51        0      0      0    264    250   451    965
                 Applied Statistics   51      768    33     15     21     3     8     848

                           FMIPATotal        4.645   2.442   818   538   324   500   9.267
           Postgr   Magister of Public   52    0      0      0     6      8     0      14
           aduate   Administration
                 Magister of Management   52   0      0      0           10     8      18
                      Postgraduate Total       0      0      0     6     18     8      32
                                                    52.94   26.87   24.93   20.58   658.74
                              TOTAL        529.521                            3.897
                                                      0      3     0      8            9
         Source: BAAPM, 2006.

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