Page 356 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 356

Tabel14. The development of courses of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science

               Courses     1991    1993     1995     1997    1999   2001   2003   2005   2006
                           40w     40w      40w      40w      40w   25w    42w   46w    46w
                           25p     24p       24p      24p     26p    28p    5p    Sp    Sp
           Mathematics (S1)
                                 1MK khusus  1MK khusus   1MK khusus
                                  skripsi   skripsi   skriQsi
                           41w     41w      40w      40w       -     -            -      -
                           19p     19p       19p      19p
          Applied Statistics (S1)
                                 1MK Khusus  1MK Khusus  1MK Khusus
                                  Skripsi   Skripsi   Skrij)_si
                                                              39w   58w    49w   48w    48w
           Statistics (S 1)
                                                              20p    5p    5p     ~     ~
                                    -                 -        -     -     62w   62w    62w
           Biology (S1)
                                                                           ~      Sp    5p
          Agricultural Extension
           (Dill), with
           specialization in:
                                   33w      33w      33w      34w   58w    32w   48w    48w
          a.  Agricultural
                                   22p       22p      22p     16p    5p    22p   14p    14p
                            -      30w      30w      30w      47w   53w    30w   41w    41w
           b. Husbandry
                                   24p       23p      24p     5p     5p    23p   11p    11p
                            -      45w      45w      45w      45w   45w    44w   44w    44w
           c. Fishery
                                   5p        5p       Sp      5p     5p    5p     5p    Sp
                            -       -        11       12      12     16    15     15    15
           Environment                      4MK      4MK     4MK
           Management (DI)
                                            khusus   khusus   khusus
           Food Post-Harvest
          a.  Husbandry food post   -        -        -        -     -      7     -     7
            harvest management
          b.  Agriculture food post   -  -   -        -        -     -      -     7     7
            harvest management
          p: required study subject
          w: required study subject
          Prog utm: main program
          MK: study subject

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