Page 357 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 357

Tabel15. Development of courses of Faculty of Economic

                  Courses     1991      1993      1995     1997    1999   2001   2003   2005   2006
               Economics and   41w      41w       41w       41w    41w   43w   50w   50w   50w
               Oevelopmen Study   16p   18p       18p       18p    19p   18p    5p    5p   5p
               (S1)          Prog Utm   Prog Utm   Prog Utm   Prog Utm
                               1MK    1MK  skripsi   1MK  skripsi   MK Skripsi
               Management (S1)   41w    41w       41w       41w    41w   39w   50w   50w   50w
                               17p      18p       18p       18p    18p   22p   5p    5p   5p
                             Prog Utm   Prog Utm 1MK  Prog Utm 1MK   Prog Utm
                            1MK Skripsi   Skripsi   Skripsi   1MK Skripsi
               Industry and     -       26w       26w       26w    26w   27w   26w
               Service Supervisor        5p        5p       5p      5p    5p    5p
               Computer Applied   -     24w                         -     -     -     -     -
               and Budget                5p
               Counting Spesialize

              p: required study subject
              w: required study subject
              Prog utm: main program
              MK: study subject

              Table 16. Total UT Students by Registration Period
                Registration Period   New Students   Registered Students   Active Students   Total Registrar
                      1984.1         54.035             54.035         54.035         54.035
                      1984.2             0              31.294         54.035         54.035
                      1985.1         46.910             75.095        100.945         100.945
                      1985.2             0              76.584        100.945         100.945
                      1986.1          8.879             26.789         86.790         109.824
                      1986.2         10.963             38.198         94.750         120.787
                      1987.1          1.759             16.135         97.413         122.546
                      1987.2          2.033             21.647         41.094         124.579
                      1988.1          4.211             31.581         45.305        128.790
                      1988.2          3.584             30.222         46.427        132.374
                      1989.1          5.446             31.424         47.878        137.820
                      1989.2          5.740             27.922         45.002        143.560
                      1990.1          5.910             26.500         47.217        149.470
                      1990.2         35.364             54.399         77.473        184.834
                      1991.1          3.943             49.162         69.053        188.777
                      1991.2         63.213            106.106        125.601        251.990
                      1992.1          5.716            107.362        126.220        257.706
                      1992.2         74.753            179.233        199.932        332.459
                      1993.1          6.192            179.795        193.341        338.651
                      1993.2        124.896            281.961        309.465        463.547
                      1994.1          8.691            278.789        318.190        472.238
                      1994.2         97.995            350.386        385.175        570.233

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