Page 358 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
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1995.1          7.718            341.109        378.555        577.951
                  1995.2         58.872            356.581        398.315        636.823
                  1996.1          7.231            341.109        386.590        644.054
                  1996.2         62.933            332.124        397.543        706.987
                  1997.1          7.188            299.571        348.599        714.175
                  1997.2        107.361            274.773        417.204        821.536
                  1998.1          7.535            230.255        378.917        829.071
                  1998.2         50.308            270.569        402.897        879.379
                 1999.1           9.308            223.022        372.233        888.687
                 1999.2          37.564            230.260        324.661        926.251
                 2000.1          46.168            226.903        308.494        972.419
                 2000.2          18.945            162.662        289.248        991.364
                 2001.1          39.625            166.792        288.616       1.030.989
                 2001.2          16.337            165.261        285.926       1.047.326
                 2002.1          19.757            174.844        267.887       1.067.083
                 2002.2           8.812            131.914        225.203       1.075.895
                 2003.1          26.961            150.086        218.588       1.102.856
                 2003.2          24.826            124.787        208.675       1.127.682
                 2004.1          44.447            149.383        220.795       1.172.129
                 2004.2          31.144            148.665        221.664       1.203.273
                 2005.1          55.573            173.069        249.941       1.258.846
                 2005.2          61.739            208.100        287.037       1.320.585
                 2006.1          57.263            235.641        316.676       1.377.848
                 2006.2          64.396            254.854        343.651       1.442.244
                      Source: BAAPM, 2006.

          Table 17. List of Universitas Terbuka Alumni for each Faculty

           Faculty     Courses       Level                                           Total
                                          Unti12002   2003   2004   2005   2006.1  2007.1
                  Industry and Service
           FEKON                      02       97     16    13     24     7     0     157
                  Economic and Development
                  Study               S1     2.180   157    115    67     13    6    2.538
                  Management          S1     6.002   917    945   720    321   223   9.128
                          FEKONTotal         8.279   1.090   1.073   811   341   329   11.823
            FISIP   Library Science   02      632     66    59     65    20     15    857

                  Taxation            02      410     60    37     38     17    9     571
                  Extension Communication   02   1.934   0   0      0                1.934

                  General English     02        9     0      0                          9
                  English for Business   02     1                                       1

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