Page 359 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 359

                Faculty     Courses       Level                                            Total
                                               Unti12002   2003   2004   2005   2006.1  2007.1
                       English Language
                       Translation         02        0      9    21     29     15    13     87
                       Public Administration   S1   11.167   829   902   697   305   186   14.086

                       Business Administration   S1   2.170   93   164   121   20    46   2.614
                       Government Administration   S1   582   0   0                        582

                       Language and Literature   S1   7     1     0                          8
                       Translation         S1       20      1     0                         21
                       Economic Sociology and
                       Social Problems     S1        0     7     11     10     2     8      38
                       Government Science   S1       1     13    28     55     26    42    165
                       Communication Science   S1   50     99    116    97     73   100    535
                                 FISIP Total     16.983   1.178   1.338   1.112   478   419   21.508
                       Subject Study Teacher
                 FKIP                     Sert.    341     0      0      0                 341
                       Certification Proqram
                       Study Subject Family
                                          Sert.   1.802    0      0      0                1.802
                       Teacher Education
                       Continued Education   Sert.   237   2      0     0                  239
                       Accredited Certificate
                       Program            Sert.     0     615    118    44     1     1     779
                       Indonesian Language
                       Education           02     1.186    0      0     0                 1.186
                       English Language Education   02   294   0   0    0                  294
                       IPA Education       02      593     0      0     0                  593
                       IPS Education       02     1.0t9    0      0     0                 1.019
                       Non Formal Education   02    9      0      0     0                   9

                       Mathematics Education   02   828    0      0     0                  828
                       Pancasila Moral Education   02   343   0   0     0                  343

                      Sports and Health Education   02   17   0   0     0                   17
                                                         38.38   15.60   11.37   11.49   473.33
                      Dll PGSD Program     02   395.742                             732
                                                           5      6     1      7            3
                      011 Sports Education
                      Program             02     29.427   5.412   1.936   1.392   552   149   38.868
                      Dill PGSMP Program   03    31 .107   0      0                      31.107
                      Indonesia Language
                                          03      2.661   114    75     40     9    17    2.916
                      English Language Program   03   1.367   95   83   62    35    23    1.665

                      IPA Education       03       662    53     63     37     9    11     835

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