Page 460 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
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Trends in Science and Technology   421
                                                   for Sustainable Living

                DAFTAR PUSTAKA

                Aji, P.G., Ardiansyah, M., & Gunawan, A. (2020). Change and prediction
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                Aronson, M.F.J., La Sorte, F.A., Nilon, C.H., Katti, M., Goddard, M.A.,
                     Lepczyk, C.A., Warren, P.S., Williams, N.S.G., Cilliers. S., Clarkson,
                     B.,  Cynnamon, D.,  Rebecca, D.,  Marcus, H.,  Stefan, K.,  Jip, L.
                     K., Ingolf, K., Ian. M., Mark, M., Ulla, M., Petr, P., Stefan, S., Jessica,

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                Aryanto, A.S., Setiawan, A., & Guru, J. (2016). Keberadaan rangkong
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                     Abdul Rachman. Jurnal Sylva Lestari, 4(2), 9-16.

                Badan Pusat Statistika (BPS) (2020). Persentase penduduk
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                Endah, G.P., & Partasasmita, R. (2015). Keanekaan jenis burung
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                     Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia, 1(6), 1289–1294.

                Handoyo, F., Hakim, L., & Leksono, A.S. (2016). Analisis potensi ruang
                     terbuka hijau Kota Malang sebagai areal pelestarian burung.
                     J-PAI, 7(2), 86-95.

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                     Konservasi, II (4), 61–71.
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